
Re:[PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的摘要 - “1 个主题”有 2 个帖子

perlchina@googlegroups.com wrote:

>网上论坛: perlchina@googlegroups.com
>网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/topics
> - more than one way in perl [2 条更新]
> http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/t/492494e7f83142e9
>主题: more than one way in perl
>网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/t/492494e7f83142e9
>---------- 第 1 个(共 2 个) ----------
>发件人: Haiyan Lin <linhy0120@gmail.com>
>日期: May 17 05:05PM +0800
>网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/msg/e3da78387de45080
>Hi, perlers,
>Supposing I have a hash reference in hand, the effect of the following
>two statements
>$hash1_ref = &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1' );
>$hash2_ref = &subroutine1( $hash1_ref, 'parameter2' );
>will save elements in $hash0_ref, stafisfying both parameter1 and
>parameter2, into $hash2_ref.
>I try to do this by following one statement, but I failed.
>$hash_ref2 = &subroutine1( &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1'),
>'paratemter2') ;
>any help? THANKS in advance
>?????????$hash0_ref?????parameter1 ?parameter2???,???$hash2_ref??
>$hash1_ref = &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1' );
>$hash2_ref = &subroutine1( $hash1_ref, 'parameter2' );
>$hash_ref2 = &subroutine1( &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1'),
>'paratemter2') ;
>Haiyan Lin
>---------- 第 2 个(共 2 个) ----------
>发件人: joe jiang <lamp.purl@gmail.com>
>日期: May 17 07:41PM +0800
>网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/msg/11865bfc42817023
>Think this is related to your logic inside the subroutine1, please check
>why there are many lines of eval and 1>1
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