
[PerlChina] hbase 最新官方文档中文版

我花了两天时间来翻译整理Hbase的最新官方文档,该版本基于 颜开翻译 整理更新。但颜开的版本是0.90版的。HBase新版 0.95 文档和0.90版相比,变化较大,补充更新了很多内容,章节调整较大。感谢盛大公司颜开的辛勤劳动!

英文原文地址在此处。汉化最后的最新版本请到此处http://abloz.com/hbase/book.htm )浏览。大概还有20%没有翻译的,以及可能存在的翻译和链接错误。




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Re: [PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的简略摘要 - “2 个主题”有 5 个帖子

在 12-5-15,perlchina@googlegroups.com<perlchina@googlegroups.com> 写道:
> =============================================================================
> 今日主题摘要
> =============================================================================
> 网上论坛: perlchina@googlegroups.com
> 网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/topics
> - [Perlweekly] #42 - What is in a name? [1 条更新]
> http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/t/d47de9db1f13df32
> - 回复:[PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的摘要 - "1 个主题"有 2 个帖子 [4 条更新]
> http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/t/1528baff55efb428
> =============================================================================
> 主题: [Perlweekly] #42 - What is in a name?
> 网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/t/d47de9db1f13df32
> =============================================================================
> ---------- 第 1 个(共 1 个) ----------
> 发件人: Fayland Lam <fayland@gmail.com>
> 日期: May 14 09:11PM +0800
> 网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/msg/3710abd4db830499
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Gabor Szabo <gabor@szabgab.com>
> Date: Mon, May 14, 2012 at 8:43 PM
> Subject: [Perlweekly] #42 - What is in a name?
> To: perlweekly@perlweekly.com
> =============================================================================
> 主题: 回复:[PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的摘要 - "1 个主题"有 2 个帖子
> 网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/t/1528baff55efb428
> =============================================================================
> ---------- 第 1 个(共 4 个) ----------
> 发件人: 陈钢 <missingyousomuch@163.com>
> 日期: May 14 05:02PM +0800
> 网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/msg/bff0aa5c8414fca1
> my @js_files = $html =~ /<script>balabala(.*?\.js)<\/script>/gims;
> my $new_tag = "<script>";
> foreach (@js_files)
> {
> $new_tag.= $_ .",";
> }
> $new_tag .= "</script>";
> 在 2012-05-14
> ---------- 第 2 个(共 4 个) ----------
> 发件人: Rui Hu <rui0hu@gmail.com>
> 日期: May 14 05:21PM +0800
> 网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/msg/2724f39624056aeb
> 这个似乎没有达到楼主想要的连续的效果,楼主说是处理连续的三行
> 楼主给的示例中的d.js并没有被合并
> ---------- 第 3 个(共 4 个) ----------
> 发件人: Fayland Lam <fayland@gmail.com>
> 日期: May 14 05:31PM +0800
> 网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/msg/d8df473ff9187dc
> I know HTML::TreeBuilder with ->right() and ->right()->right()->{_tag}
> eq 'script' can check if there is 3 scripts together, but it's pretty
> tricky too.
> Thanks
> --
> Fayland Lam //
> ---------- 第 4 个(共 4 个) ----------
> 发件人: imxae <imx365ster@gmail.com>
> 日期: May 14 08:53PM +0800
> 网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/msg/6e102093c04ba4b3
> 用HTML::TreeBuilder模块,笨重啊
> --
> 您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
> 要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com
> 要取消订阅此网上论坛,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
> 若有更多问题,请通过 http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN 访问此网上论坛。

Let there be light.

您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com
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若有更多问题,请通过 http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN 访问此网上论坛。


[PerlChina] Fwd: [Perlweekly] #44 - Strawberry Perl released

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gabor Szabo <gabor@szabgab.com>
Date: Mon, May 28, 2012 at 3:12 PM
Subject: [Perlweekly] #44 - Strawberry Perl released
To: perlweekly@perlweekly.com

Perl Weekly

Issue #44 - May 28, 2012 - Strawberry Perl released

You can read the newsletter on the web, if you prefer.


Apparently the e-mail sending of the Perl Weekly still has some issues as the number of clicks last week was still a lot lower than a month ago. This time I've removed the links to Twitter, Facebook and Google+ as I have not seen a lot of people using them. We'll see if this fixes the problem.

In any case, I'd like to make sure the articles in the Perl Weekly get a wide-spread coverage. So when you read an article, please invest the extra 10 seconds to Tweet about it or post it on Google+. If you added 'seen on the +Perl Weekly' or 'via @perlweekly' that would be extra awesome, but even just by further distributing the articles you do a lot for the Perl community.

See you next week!


Strawberry Perl released
Just a few days after the official release of perl 5.16, kmx has managed to build and release the newest version of Strawberry Perl for Windows. This is really good. Much better than what happened with 5.14. If time permits I hope soon to build the next release of DWIM Perl on to of this release.


Security vulnerabilities in RT
Best Practical has addressed several security issues and has released two new versions of RT. I hope the RT instance used on CPAN has been upgraded too.

Dancer + Bootstrap + Font-Awesome
Assaf Gordon created a nice look of a Dancer based web site using the Bootstrap library. See the blog of Sawyer for the links.

London Perl Workshop 2012 Announcements and Proclamations
This year, LPW will be on 24th November. The web site is live. You can start to sign up, submit talks and send sponsors.


Next DBD::SQLite to be released in early June
While Adam Kennedy has stopped writing Perl code for a living he still does some Perl development for fun. This release will include some substantial changes and if you are a DBD::SQLite user then before upgrading you'd better make sure the changes are OK with you.

The Current Sub in Perl 5.16
If you were wondering what's new in Perl 5.16 then the example chromatic gives can show you one the few user visible changes of this new version and how to use it.

the perl 5.16.0 epigraph
A few days after releasing the latest version of Perl, Ricardo Signes (rjbs) goes on explaining the quote he used in the release announcement. A quote from a poem by W.H. Auden.

What Moose is doing to my nose
A motivational article on how using Moose changes not only the way how one writes code but also how one reads code and what is considered code smell.

What Are Transclusions? How to Use Them in TWiki Applications
These are basically parameterized include statements in the templating language or in this case in the mark up language used by Twiki.

A Brief Introduction to Input Validation
Though I would use strict even in such small code snippets I think the example of Christopher Frenz on white-listing and black listing can be a good a good explanation.

Cheap caching with AutoDestruct
Chris Weyl describes how the AutoDestruct Moose attribute can help you set an expiration date on values of a class. Perfect for making the attributes work as a cache with limited life-time.


Sqitch Update: The Plan
David Wheeler continues the development of Squitch. This time he is debating the way the needs to generate the deploy plan. Should it be generated from the individual git commits or from the labeled git commit or maybe written manually?

Toward Coding Without Conditionals
chromatic wants to write boring code. He has several reasons but he sums it up with 'Boring code gets out of your way.' For that he wants to replace Conditionals by Polymorphism.

Usability testing of CPAN modules
Vyacheslav Matjukhin picked up a module Validation::Class and provided his brain dump for what he understand and more importantly what he does not understand from the documentation. In this case he got very good response from the author - maybe because the author asked for his feedback? - and many of the problems and incorrect assumptions were fixed. I agree with the comments that we need more such interaction to improve our code and our documentation!


Alien::Base Perl Foundation Grant Report Month 3
As Joel Berger reports the obstacles he faces on OSX help comes quickly both on and off the blog. I think it just shows how important it is to ask question on public forums (or blogs in this case). There are always people around who might be able to help. Even if you are the expert on the subject.


Moonfruit Acquired by Yell
For several years now Perl was fairly neglected by the start-up community. It seems then natural then, that the sale of a Perl Dancer based company excites the Perl community. I am quite sure we'll see more and more people starting their own companies using Perl.


Introducing Catalyst::Controller::Accessors
fREW Schmidt has a few relatively modules he is planning to describe, the first one being Catalyst::Controller::Accessors. First he shows the full version of his code using Catalyst chaining and then shows how using Catalyst::Controller::Accessors can eliminate some of code repetition, turning them into declarations.

Better Exceptions with Exception::Base
After several rounds of complaining, finally Caleb Cushing seemed to have found a pair of modules that satisfy his needs for throwing and catching exceptions in Perl. Exception::Base for throwing exceptions and Try::Tiny for catching them. In this article he show and example how to use those.

Perl Module Release: Image-Size 3.231
Randy J Ray released a new version of Image::Size and got rid of AutoLoader! Yay!

Copy Windows Event Logs into an SQLite Database
Windows has never been the favorite operating system for Perl programmers so I am happy to this article that can help a system administrator for MS Windows based systems to mine the data in the Event Logs.


Andy Lester, brian d foy, Gisle Aas, and Adrian Howard featured in RSA Animate video - The Power of Networks
I love the Animate videos of RSA. Both for their content and the presentation. In this one they even mention the Perl network of people. Thanks to Philip Durbin for pointing it out.


First Impressions - Padre the Perl IDE
Look, a post about Padre from someone who is not a Padre developer! Yet.

Perl 6

About ABC
Solomon Foster (colomon) has posted a whole series of articles about ABC. This one explains that it is a partial implementation of the ABC notation - the text-based music notation system and the de facto standard for folk and traditional music. In other posts he writes about error handling in ABC (I wonder if that would be avoiding false sounds?) and optimization. One thing that stands out is that opposing popular belief, this is a production system written in Perl 6. If you read this article, then check out the 'previous' and 'next' posts as well.

News in the Rakudo 2012.05 release
Moritz Lenz describes manipulation of library search path and exporting/importing of functions in the latest release of Rakudo Perl 6

Rakudo Star 2012.05 released
In case you missed the actual release announcement...

Macros progress report: quantum yak shaving
by Carl Masak


(xxx) stackoverflow perl report
Don't worry, this is just the 30th Stack Overflow report of questions tagged with Perl.

About events

Some articles that are related to Perl events

Start Planning Your YAPC Strategy
Though brian d foy wrote this for YAPC::NA, I think this is relevant for ever Perl event and even for every non-Perl event. It can be fun to just show up at the conference and go with the flow, but it might be a lot better to plan ahead. Not only picking the talks you'd like to hear but trying to figure out what other social events would you like to attend and who you would like to talk to. You can even send e-mail or contact using other means people you would like to meet.

YAPC::Asia Tokyo Facebook Page
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) linked to the Facebook page for YAPC::Asia and recommends other event organizers to hire a professional photographer. While I have this uneasy feeling of spending money on such stuff, actually I think this is a great idea. It can certainly help bring more people to the next event and help make it easier to get sponsorships.


I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on on the web site. If your Perl event is not in the list, let me know.

June 13-15, 2012, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

French Perl workshop
June 29-30, 2012, Strasbourg

YAPC::EU 2012
August 20-22, 2012, Frankfurt, Germany

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