
[PerlChina] Re: 谷歌超越微软也折射出web应用赶超桌面应用时代的来临?

2009/5/24 xuanfei <xuanfei2046@gmail.com>

呃。。。有趣的是,眼下我正在好好琢磨 qt C++ GUI 编程,为的是基于 qt-webkit 搞一个自己的带 GUI 的 web browser,呵呵(当然了,是网页抽取调试 IDE,而非日常 web 冲浪之用)。


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[PerlChina] Re: 请问如何在AUTOLOAD里得到方法名?

2009/5/31 Luo, Yong <Yong.Luo@acs-inc.com>



$ perl -e ' package Foo; Foo->bar; sub AUTOLOAD { print $AUTOLOAD }'

$ perl -v

This is perl, v5.10.0 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi

Copyright 1987-2007, Larry Wall



$ perl -we 'use strict; package Foo; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); Foo->bar; sub AUTOLOAD { print $AUTOLOAD }'

Try more carefully and rethink ;)


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[PerlChina] Re: 请问如何在AUTOLOAD里得到方法名?


From: perlchina@googlegroups.com [mailto:perlchina@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Zhou Wei
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 3:40 PM
To: perlchina@googlegroups.com
Subject: [PerlChina] Re: 请问如何在AUTOLOAD里得到方法名?


perldoc perlsub

The fully qualified name of the original subroutine magically appears in the global $AUTOLOAD variable of the same package as the "AUTOLOAD" routine.

2009/5/30 Luo, Yong <Yong.Luo@acs-inc.com>




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[PerlChina] Re: 请问如何在AUTOLOAD里得到方法名?


perldoc perlsub


The fully qualified name of the original subroutine magically appears in the global $AUTOLOAD variable of the same package as the "AUTOLOAD" routine.

2009/5/30 Luo, Yong <Yong.Luo@acs-inc.com>




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[PerlChina] 请问如何在AUTOLOAD里得到方法名?




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[PerlChina] Re: 有同时研究mysql和perl的朋友么? 我们这里需要两名Mysql DBA

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[PerlChina] Re: GD Graph for placing Y axis help

xunchengwang@yahoo.com.cn wrote:
> Hello everyone, I have some problems to use GD::Graph::lines. I want
> to place the Y axis at the middle of the X axis( the axis for x values
> of 0, my X axis is numeric, from negative value to positive
> value) ,but i couldn't found any GD functions for this purpose. Are
> there any functions like zero_axis and zero_axis_only in GD module to
> draw the axis for x values of 0 or similar functions in other perl
> modules to do this job.Thanks!

There is "zero_axis" in GD::Graph. see the doc

by the way, It helps if you use chinese in your post. Otherwise you
could have asked this question in english sites such as perlmonks.org


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[PerlChina] Re: 有同时研究mysql和perl的朋友么? 我们这里需要两名Mysql DBA


做过Oracle DBA的也欢迎,我们这里也有部分在小型机上运行的Oracle 9i/10g DB。

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[PerlChina] 有同时研究mysql和perl的朋友么? 我们这里需要两名Mysql DBA





   职 位 类:DBA

   1、负责所有运营游戏DB的变更管理,数据备份恢复,故障处理,监控实施,性能优化,权限管理。作为DB Owner,保障DB稳定、安全、高效的运行;

   2、具备良好关系数据库理论基础,对Oracle/SQL Server/Mysql数据库的体系结构有较深的理解和掌握;
   3、精通数据库性能的优化与调整,了解Oracle/SQL Server/Mysql不同版本的特性及优化;
   4、具有大型Oracle/SQL Server/Mysql数据库管理、备份、性能优化、迁移升级工作的经验;

我本人是一个Perl+mysql拥趸,从02年开始研究Interchange,到现在,我们使用Catalyst作为后台框架,基本构筑了Mysql DB管理的一个平台。


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[PerlChina] Re: 谁有高级perl编程(Advanced perl)或者perl高级编程(Professional Perl)中文版PDF/CHM,不要图片的


2009/5/28 purl lamp <lamp.purl@gmail.com>

2009/5/28 xjdengz <xjdengz@gmail.com>

2009/5/28 Lee Duhem <lee.duhem@gmail.com>:
> 2009/5/28 chaofei yang <q11112345@gmail.com>:
>> 就是内部发放。只收出版费。不做商业用途、不公开出售。
> 既然不出版,就不存在什么出版费的问题。
>> 这两本书已经绝版。不这么做还怎么样??
> 其实制作电子书,手工输入根本就不是办法。要么用原始书稿的电子版本,
> 要么扫描纸板图书。手工输入一是无法保证和纸板内容一致,而是排版问题,
> 这个工作量很大的,而且需要专业技能。
> lee
> >


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[PerlChina] Re: 广告广告~偶的劳动成果


2009/5/27 xsir317 <xsir317@163.com>:
> 大家不要笑我~
> shwzq.com  我们五子棋协会刚刚改版成功的网站,欢迎大家来玩~
> 折腾了一个月才弄出来的东东~
> 有上海的周末可以来我们道场下棋,就在人民广场~
> 刚改的DNS解析,不知道生效了没。。。应该是个灰色色调的页面。
> 2009-05-27
> ________________________________
> xsir317
> >

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[PerlChina] Re: 谁有高级perl编程(Advanced perl)或者perl高级编程(Professional Perl)中文版PDF/CHM,不要图片的

排版 與校對什麼等的問題得看你們想做什麼……

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [PerlChina] Re: 谁有高级perl编程(Advanced perl)或者perl高级编程
(Professional Perl)中文版PDF/CHM,不要图片的
From: chaofei yang <q11112345@gmail.com>
To: perlchina@googlegroups.com
Date: 28/5/2009 20:13
> 一页一页转换存在什么排版问题?work的排版还存在问题?
> 其实这书有没有什么图片要插入。统一一下版面到时候做完了放在一起就行了。
> 组件化。哈哈
> 2009/5/28 Lee Duhem <lee.duhem@gmail.com <mailto:lee.duhem@gmail.com>>
> 2009/5/28 chaofei yang <q11112345@gmail.com
> <mailto:q11112345@gmail.com>>:
> > 就是内部发放。只收出版费。不做商业用途、不公开出售。
> 既然不出版,就不存在什么出版费的问题。
> > 这两本书已经绝版。不这么做还怎么样??
> 其实制作电子书,手工输入根本就不是办法。要么用原始书稿的电子版本,
> 要么扫描纸板图书。手工输入一是无法保证和纸板内容一致,而是排版问题,
> 这个工作量很大的,而且需要专业技能。
> lee
> >

Best Regards,
Anthony WU

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[PerlChina] Re: 谁有高级perl编程(Advanced perl)或者perl高级编程(Professional Perl)中文版PDF/CHM,不要图片的


2009/5/28 Lee Duhem <lee.duhem@gmail.com>
2009/5/28 chaofei yang <q11112345@gmail.com>:
> 就是内部发放。只收出版费。不做商业用途、不公开出售。


> 这两本书已经绝版。不这么做还怎么样??


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[PerlChina] Re: 谁有高级perl编程(Advanced perl)或者perl高级编程(Professional Perl)中文版PDF/CHM,不要图片的


2009/5/28 xjdengz <xjdengz@gmail.com>
2009/5/28 Lee Duhem <lee.duhem@gmail.com>:
> 2009/5/28 chaofei yang <q11112345@gmail.com>:
>> 就是内部发放。只收出版费。不做商业用途、不公开出售。
> 既然不出版,就不存在什么出版费的问题。
>> 这两本书已经绝版。不这么做还怎么样??
> 其实制作电子书,手工输入根本就不是办法。要么用原始书稿的电子版本,
> 要么扫描纸板图书。手工输入一是无法保证和纸板内容一致,而是排版问题,
> 这个工作量很大的,而且需要专业技能。
> lee
> >

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[PerlChina] Re: 谁有高级perl编程(Advanced perl)或者perl高级编程(Professional Perl)中文版PDF/CHM,不要图片的

2009/5/28 Lee Duhem <lee.duhem@gmail.com>:
> 2009/5/28 chaofei yang <q11112345@gmail.com>:
>> 就是内部发放。只收出版费。不做商业用途、不公开出售。
> 既然不出版,就不存在什么出版费的问题。
>> 这两本书已经绝版。不这么做还怎么样??
> 其实制作电子书,手工输入根本就不是办法。要么用原始书稿的电子版本,
> 要么扫描纸板图书。手工输入一是无法保证和纸板内容一致,而是排版问题,
> 这个工作量很大的,而且需要专业技能。
> lee
> >

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[PerlChina] Re: 谁有高级perl编程(Advanced perl)或者perl高级编程(Professional Perl)中文版PDF/CHM,不要图片的

2009/5/28 chaofei yang <q11112345@gmail.com>:
> 就是内部发放。只收出版费。不做商业用途、不公开出售。


> 这两本书已经绝版。不这么做还怎么样??



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[PerlChina] Re: 谁有高级perl编程(Advanced perl)或者perl高级编程(Professional Perl)中文版PDF/CHM,不要图片的


2009/5/28 Lee Duhem <lee.duhem@gmail.com>
2009/5/27 chaofei yang <q11112345@gmail.com>:
> 其实我想到一个办法,
> 网上不是有教人一分钟打1000字的方法。
> 找上十多个人,每人一天10页,1个星期就搞定。
> 搞perl的人这么多。能有10个人抽出1个人抽出一个星期应该没问题。我想。这样造福大家。




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[PerlChina] GD Graph for placing Y axis help

Hello everyone, I have some problems to use GD::Graph::lines. I want
to place the Y axis at the middle of the X axis( the axis for x values
of 0, my X axis is numeric, from negative value to positive
value) ,but i couldn't found any GD functions for this purpose. Are
there any functions like zero_axis and zero_axis_only in GD module to
draw the axis for x values of 0 or similar functions in other perl
modules to do this job.Thanks!
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转发 Oreilly 的一个邮件。Oreilly 一直通过赞助书籍来帮助 PerlChina.

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May 27, 2009

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Webcast: Finding Design Opportunities in the Twitter Ecosystem Kevin Makice
May 29, 2009
Fast approaching its third birthday, the Twitter API has spawned thousands of applications that extend functionality of the basic microblogging service. Some applications mature, while others fade away. The methods and data available through the API continue to evolve, as does the Twitter community, to create new opportunities for application development. This webcast takes a closer look at the Twitter design space by reviewing existing applications across several dimensions and looking for unaddressed needs of the user and developer community.
Bill Scott at Big (D)esign Conference
May 30, 2009
The Art Institute of Dallas
Dallas, TX
Author Bill Scott (Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interaction) will be presenting "Designing Rich Web Interfaces with Design Patterns."

4th Annual Maker Faire Bay Area: Re-Make America
May 30-31, 2009
San Mateo County Fairgrounds
San Mateo, CA
According to USA Today, Maker Faire Bay Area is one of the ten best places in the nation for a family-friendly, hands-on craft experience. And this May's 4th Annual Maker Faire Bay Area is heeding President Obama's call to "begin the work of remaking America." With the theme, Re-Make America, Maker Faire celebrates the folks the President described as the "risk takers, the doers, and the makers of things." Plan on joining us at Maker Faire, May 30 & 31, at the San Mateo County Expo Center. Tickets available for purchase now.

Michael Barr at Embedded Software Boot Camp
Jun 1-5, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Join Michael Barr (Programming Embedded Systems, Second Edition) at the Embedded Software Boot CampTM. It's a one-week skills strengthening program consisting of a series of lectures and hands-on exercises. This intense educational (yet fun!) program is guaranteed to quickly and dramatically raise the embedded programming skills of individuals and teams.

Webcast: The Cloud Dilemma for Developers Javier Soltero
Jun 2, 2009
In this webcast, Javier Soltero, CEO of Hyperic will discuss these and other dilemmas developers face in the cloud and address the steps companies can take to ensure that their applications' performance is not affected by these challenges. This event is for any developer wanting to:
  • Hear how some developers are successfully leveraging cloud platforms to build manageable applications
  • Learn about the latest tools for instrumenting and managing applications in highly virtualized and cloud environments
  • Get tips on bringing IT and ops teams into the conversation early while keeping the agility that pushed you to the cloud in the first place
Allison Randal at Silicon Valley Linux User Group
Jun 3, 2009
Mountain View, CA
Allison Randal (Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials) is chief architect and lead developer of the open source project Parrot. She also works for O'Reilly Media, planning the program for their Open Source Convention (OSCON).

George Reese Keynotes Rockin' the Cloud
Jun 3, 2009
Metropolitan Ballroom
Minneapolis, MN
George Reese (Cloud Application Architectures) joins Reside CEO Matt Meents for a big picture view of Cloud Computing: Its roots, its relevancy, and its rapid growth as the preferred environment for business platform development, hosting and management.

Conference News

OSCON 2009 OSCON 2009
July 20-24, 2009 in San Jose, CA
The 2009 O'Reilly Open Source Convention Moves to San Jose, CA-- Registration Now Open, So Make Your Plans. Use code "os09usrg" when you register, and receive 20% off the registration price. Early registration ends on June 2.

Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase - Government as a Platform
Co-produced by O'Reilly Media and TechWeb
September 8, 2009 in Washington, DC
Call for Proposals is Open - Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase is a one day event that previews the larger Gov 2.0 Expo scheduled for May 2010. Our goal is to highlight the projects that are leading the way, those that leverage the web as a platform, that drive towards transparency, participation and collaboration, that drive down costs while they increase value. All these cutting-edge efforts, married with a profound shift in thinking, are helping to build what Tim O'Reilly has called "government as a platform." On September 8th, 20 innovators will show how this is really happening, concretely, right now, inside (and outside) government. The submission deadline for all proposals is June 30, 2009.

Velocity 2009 Velocity 2009
June 22-24, 2009 in San Jose, CA
Attending Velocity makes you competitive immediately because it is rooted in practical application, sending you back to work with a deeper understanding of how the technology and applications you deploy can accelerate performance and deliver a better front end experience. Use code "vel09usrg" when you register, and receive 20% off the registration price. Registration now.

For a complete list of conferences, go to conferences.oreilly.com.

Ignite Logo Ignite
If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers. Create your own Ignite in your area.

Upcoming Ignite events:

For more events, go to http://ignite.oreilly.com/

O'Reilly School of Technology

OSTO'Reilly School of Technology Courses: UG Members Receive a 30% Discount — By enrolling in the O'Reilly School of Technology, you can stay competitive in Information Technology without the high cost or huge time commitment. Our courses work around YOUR schedule, not the other way around. And within months, not only will you have the University of Illinois Certificate to display on your resume, you'll also have a portfolio of projects that are sure to impress in your interviews!

OST's full-price tuitions are already lower than comparable continuing education or community college courses. However, as an O'Reilly User Group member, you save an additional 30% on all the courses in the following University of Illinois Certificate Series:

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News From O'Reilly & BeyondO'Reilly Radar

News & Blogs

Ruby Learning Interview: Author David
Griffiths, "Head First Rails"

Why $9.99 Won't Always Be an eBook Pricing Ceiling
Have you stumbled across any of those Kindle owners who get angry anytime they see an ebook price over $9.99? How about publishers who insist on maintaining their print list price for the e-version? Btw, for the record, at O'Reilly we typically fall somewhere in between; our "digital list price" is generally less than the print list price and, of course, Amazon is free to discount to an even lower price. As a consumer, when I see a Kindle price over $9.99 I'm highly likely to skip it.

More Geo-Games: Ship Simulator on Google Earth
At Google I/O 2008 the Google Earth API was released. It brought Google Earth's 3D capabilities to the web (with the help of browser extensions). Since that release they've started supporting Macs. One really nice part of the Google Earth API is the ability to create games in the 3D world.

Scribd Store a Welcome Addition to Ebook Market (and 650 O'Reilly Titles Included)
The document-sharing site Scribd has launched a new "Scribd Store" selling view and download access to documents and books. As part of the launch, there are now more than 650 O'Reilly ebooks now available for preview and sale in the Scribd store, and all include DRM-free PDF downloads with purchase. (Scribd will soon be adding EPUB as a format, and we'll make that available as soon as possible.)

Being a Suggested User Leads to Thousands of Twitter Followers
Ever since Twitter started suggesting accounts to new users, it was clear that those on the suggested users list were gaining thousands of followers. Setting aside the fact that number of followers is a poor gauge of influence (see our Twitter report for details), I wanted to know how many followers a suggested account gains by appearing on the list.

Announcing InsideRIA Conference
Yep, you heard correctly in association with the 360Conferences guys, InsideRIA is having its first conference August 23-24, 2009 in San Jose, CA at the eBay facilities. This 2-day event will get into the nitty gritty of developing for the Rich Internet Application (RIA) space. Sunday will be hands-on workshops to get you familiar with a few of the RIA platforms. Monday will be a full day of sessions with 3 distinct tracks: Development, Design/User Experience and Business Development. All 3 tracks will be aimed at the RIA platform in general.

Until next time--
Marsee Henon

Spreading the knowledge of innovatorsoreilly.com
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[PerlChina] Re: 谁有高级perl编程(Advanced perl)或者perl高级编程(Professional Perl)中文版PDF/CHM,不要图片的

2009/5/27 chaofei yang <q11112345@gmail.com>:
> 其实我想到一个办法,
> 网上不是有教人一分钟打1000字的方法。
> 找上十多个人,每人一天10页,1个星期就搞定。
> 搞perl的人这么多。能有10个人抽出1个人抽出一个星期应该没问题。我想。这样造福大家。




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[PerlChina] Re: 广告可以?我也来~


2009/5/27 Xinglu Lin <i@lxl.cn>
我有个下属做了一个 findname.cn 功能比较齐全。

2009/5/27 ximiff <ximiff@gmail.com>

looor.com 过期域名检索工具


发件人: xsir317
发送时间: 2009-05-27  13:58:32
收件人: perlchina
主题: [PerlChina] 广告广告~偶的劳动成果
shwzq.com  我们五子棋协会刚刚改版成功的网站,欢迎大家来玩~


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 更多选项,请通过 http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN 访问该论坛


[PerlChina] Re: 广告可以?我也来~



2009/5/27 Chancey <chanceycn@gmail.com>
恩 还有如果能支持邮件订阅,比如包含 "perl" 字符的所有域名,有就发邮件,那样的话用户就更省事儿了


发件人: ximiff
发送时间: 2009-05-27  16:22:52
收件人: perlchina
主题: [PerlChina] Re: 广告可以?我也来~


发件人: Chancey
发送时间: 2009-05-27  16:17:34
收件人: perlchina
主题: [PerlChina] Re: 广告可以?我也来~
不错 数据是实时获取的还是定时抓取的?


发件人: ximiff
发送时间: 2009-05-27  16:10:43
收件人: perlchina
主题: [PerlChina] Re: 广告可以?我也来~


发件人: Chancey
发送时间: 2009-05-27  16:07:44
收件人: perlchina
主题: [PerlChina] Re: 广告可以?我也来~


发件人: ximiff
发送时间: 2009-05-27  16:03:39
收件人: perlchina
主题: [PerlChina] Re: 广告可以?我也来~


发件人: Chancey
发送时间: 2009-05-27  15:50:29
收件人: perlchina
主题: [PerlChina] Re: 广告可以?我也来~


发件人: ximiff
发送时间: 2009-05-27  15:10:37
收件人: perlchina
主题: [PerlChina] 广告可以?我也来~
looor.com 过期域名检索工具


发件人: xsir317
发送时间: 2009-05-27  13:58:32
收件人: perlchina
主题: [PerlChina] 广告广告~偶的劳动成果
shwzq.com  我们五子棋协会刚刚改版成功的网站,欢迎大家来玩~


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