
Re: [PerlChina] LWP::UserAgnet->get(https://...) not work through proxy

You should try HTTP::ProxyPAC if you want proxy auto configuration:

use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Data::Dumper;
use HTTP::ProxyPAC;

my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new();

my $pac = HTTP::ProxyPAC->new($pacFile);
my $res = $pac->find_proxy($url);

$ua->proxy(['https', 'http'] => $res->proxy) if $res->proxy;

print Dumper $response;

Make sure you have IO::Socket::SSL or Net::SSL installed for HTTPS support, IO::Socket::SSL is recommended.

2011/5/17 tiger <tigerpeng2001@gmail.com>
Could anyone help on the following test script (run on strawberry

It works (with $ua->proxy... commented out) when it is not behind
proxy, but fails to access https pagethrough proxy (with '_msg' =>
'Bad Request'.). It is okay to access http pages. No problem for
accessing https pages with MSIE and Firfox through proxy.


use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Data::Dumper;

my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->proxy(['https', 'http'] => 'http://corppac.myclient.com/
my $response = $ua->get('https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?
#my $response = $ua->get('http://www.yahoo.com');
print Dumper $response;

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