
Re: [PerlChina] My slides for the upcoming OpenResty talk at YAPC::Beijing 2008

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 10:04 AM, agentzh <agentzh@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, folks!
> I've finished the first draft of my slides for my OpenResty talk at the
> upcoming YAPC::Beijing session:
> http://agentzh.org/misc/openresty-yes/openresty-yes.xul (Firefox only)

Yesterday I shew these slides to Jesse Vincent [1] on #jifty and he
said he was impressed :)

We talked about OpenResty, pure client-side web applications, as well
as our upcoming YAPC::Beijing 2008 event. He said he would very much
love to attend our conference. He asked about the exact date which I
didn't know. And we're now looking for sponsorship for his airline
tickets (from the U.S.) and other things. Let's welcome Jesse!


[1] Jesse Vincent is the Perl 6 project manager. He is also the author
of Jifty, RT and Hiveminder and the founder of Best Practical
Solutions, LLC. Before founding Best Practical, Vincent worked as the
systems lead for a now-defunct dotcom and as a software designer at
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