2013/3/29 Fayland Lam <fayland@gmail.com>
if anyone is interested in it and I'll be glad to help review it.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gabor Szabo <gabor@szabgab.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:00 PM
Subject: Perl Tutorial in Chinese
To: Fayland Lam <fayland@gmail.com>
Hi Fayland
I am not sure how much have you seen about the Perl 5 Maven site
I have been building in the last couple of months, but it has now slightly
over 10,000 visitors a week. http://perl5maven.com/
The most frequently visited part is the Perl Tutorial I am slowly building.
Recently Felipe da Veiga Leprevost started to translate it to
(Brazilian) Portuguese http://br.perl5maven.com/ which made me
hope there will be other translations as well.
Are those sites even accessible in China?
I wonder how is the state of the Perl Tutorials in Chinese, if there might be
a need for a Chinese version of the tutorial, and if you could help me find
a few volunteers who'd be interested in slowly translating the pages to Chinese?
Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/
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