Perl Weekly Issue #49 - July 2 , 2012 - New: Perl 5 porters summary and CERT Perl Secure Coding Standard Mingalarba, This issue is still full of links to people posting about their experience at YAPC::NA. Some of them generic reports, others are links to the talks of the specific person. See them in the second part of this newsletter. Besides those, there are quite a few interesting and diverse articles this week. Enjoy! Announcements Perl5-Porters Weekly: 2012 June 17-25 Mark Allen started a weekly report about the discussions on the Perl 5 porters mailing list. If you don't know, that's the list where people who maintain and develop the Perl compiler/interpreter discuss what they working on, what features are added to perl and which are removed. If you don't have a lot of time but still would like to know what's planned for perl, this could be a very useful resource for you! In this entry, probably the most important news is the release of 5.17.1, the first developer snapshot for next years release of 5.18. Try it. Perl 6 Maven site launched I have set this up to build a place where people can go if they want to learn Perl 6. Some people might think it is too early. Others might say it is too late. I think it is a question of investment. I am going to invest quite some energy to make this a useful resource. While Perl 6 is not 'production ready' for many people, I am planning to be pragmatic and useful there. So the site already has a list of Perl 6 modules you can use. And a mailing list you can subscribe to. See you there! Articles The CERT Perl Secure Coding Standard A long article listing many potential security issues in Perl code. Some of the problems can lead to an attacker gaining access to the system, others just create a denial of service for legitimate users. In any case, having such document to work with, will hopefully bring more companies to use better practices when coding in Perl. It can also bring people to start using Perl::Critic as it already has policies that can help check your code for many of these vulnerabilities. Perl web framework Mojolicious reaches 3.0 This is the short announcement on The H. What is Modern Perl? The expression 'Modern Perl' has a number of meanings, depending who you ask. Dave Cross explains the differences in a guest poster at JosetteOrama. Perl Unicode Cookbook: Further Resources The closing article of the 44 part series by Tom Christiansen has links to various Unicode related perldocs, modules and some other resources. CPAN Help Wanted - A Proposal How can a CPAN author tell the world she needs help maintaining her module? The best place is probably in the META data of the module. That's what Yanick Champoux thought and implemented. Now we 'only' need to get people use this. Fun Learning Perl Challenge: popular history A new challenge by brian d foy. There are already 5 responses, but it is a simple task. Go try it. Raspberry Pi - will it get our children programming? and if so why not in Perl? Martin Evans tells us how he got into programming and tells us about his view on Raspberry Pi, you know the cheapest computer currently available, and how that might - or might not drive kids to learn programming. I liked his article, but I have doubts about simple devices to be interesting to kids. Windows Perl Windows - Grab all the system tray icons & get their co-ordinates There is no detailed explanation, but Aditya Ivaturi shares a script with us that can be useful for anyone using and automating Windows. On Windows, how can I maximize a window created using Win32::OLE? This is a code example by Sinan Unur. Also without detailed explanation, but with useful code. PDL, Scientific Perl, Big Data Adapting PDL to a Big Data Landscape David Mertens makes the case of improving PDL and making it more popular riding the wave of the growing Big Data analysis field. There are some links to follow, for example to the PDL book. Videos YAPC::NA Videos There are already 51 videos uploaded, 78 subscribers and 2,739 views. That's an average of 53 views per video which seems ok until you realize that more 400 went on viewing an unrelated promo and another 200 for the two 'fights'. Perl 6 t5: Enumerating trees This was the 5th, and final task in the Perl 6 Coding Contest 2011. In a nutshell, you were supposed to draw all the different trees with N nodes and N-1 vertices. Without duplications. Rakudo Star 2012.06 released It contains the latest release of the Rakudo compiler, Parrot, some modules and documentation. If you are learning Perl 6, this might be a good package to start with. Another month of blogging: adventure game, here I come! Carl Masak has started another writing spree, blogging every day during July as he is developing his adventure game in Perl 6. Not only has he announced it yesterday, he also posted the first entry. Other MetaCPAN favourites weekly report Stack Overflow perl report YAPC::NA Still more entries from YAPC::NA YAPC:NA Videos Posted! John Napiorkowski has posted links to his presentation and video recording from YAPC::NA YAPC::NA 2012 recap Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog Wifi Stats for YAPC::NA 2012 So how much bandwidth do 400 Perl hackers use, while they are supposed to listen to talks? I went to a YAPC! Ricardo Signes (RJBS) was playing during YAPC. My full YAPC::NA 2012 materials There are no YAPC stores in this post, just links to the talks of Joel Berger. YAPC::NA 2012 After Action Report The report of lajandy who is apparently also called Andrew Johnson. YAPC:NA Videos Posted! Links to the videos and the talks of John Napiorkowski. Yet Another YAPC::NA Report Report by David Mertens - known for his work on PDL. He writes about his efforts, and success to build a little 'scientific Perl' community within YAPC and Perl in general. Events I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on the web site. If your Perl event is not listed there, please let me know. YAPC::EU 2012 August 20-22, 2012, Frankfurt, Germany Mooving to Moose Hackathon August 25-30, Preikestolen Mountain Lodge, near Stavanger, Norway YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 September 27-29, 2012, Tokyo, Japan Italian Perl workshop October 11-12, 2012, Bologna, Italy You joined the Perl Weekly to get weekly e-mails about the Perl programming language and related topics. Want to see more? See the archives of all the issues. Reading this as a non-subscriber? click here to join us free of charge. (C) Copyright Gabor Szabo. The articles are copyright the respective authors. 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