hi, I had checked that.
and , Fayland, could you checked your install?
I am not know well the planet, I think you have the ssh account and password, you can login "
ssh.bigmoat.com" for debug.
ghw@ghw:~/webproject/ltebbs$ ssh -l
admin@perlchina.org ssh.bigmoat.comThe authenticity of host '
ssh.bigmoat.com (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ce:48:4e:ac:80:34:2b:db:79:19:67:0d:70:41:e7:ec.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '
ssh.bigmoat.com' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
ssh.bigmoat.com's password:
Last login: Wed Oct 8 21:27:28 2008 from -bash-3.1$ ls
Maildir backup cgi-bin log phptmp planet ssl user web
DEBUG:planet.runner:Socket timeout set to 20 seconds
INFO:planet.runner:Loading cached data
INFO:planet:Feed <
http://www.livejournal.com/users/joe_jiang/data/rss> unchanged
INFO:planet:Feed <
http://islue.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default> unchanged
INFO:planet:Feed <
http://blog.chunzi.org/?feed=rss2> unchanged
INFO:planet:Feed <
http://feeds.feedburner.com/fayland> unchanged
INFO:planet:Feed <
http://www.wanglianghome.org/blog/atom.xml> unchanged
INFO:planet:Feed <
http://blog.rogerz.cn/feed/> unchanged
INFO:planet:Feed <
http://agentzh.spaces.live.com/feed.rss> unchanged
ERROR:planet:Error 500 while updating feed <
INFO:planet:Updating feed <
DEBUG:planet:Items in Feed: 11
INFO:planet.runner:Processing template examples/basic/index.html.tmpl
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home1/91/1391/web2369/planet/cron/planet-2.0/planet.py", line 167, in ?
File "/home1/91/1391/web2369/planet/cron/planet-2.0/planet.py", line 163, in main
planet_link, planet_feed, owner_name, owner_email)
File "/www/home1/91/1391/web2369/planet/cron/planet-2.0/planet/__init__.py", line 263, in generate_all_files
template = manager.prepare(os.path.basename(template_file))
File "/www/home1/91/1391/web2369/planet/cron/planet-2.0/planet/htmltmpl.py", line 222, in prepare
compiled = self.compile(file)
File "/www/home1/91/1391/web2369/planet/cron/planet-2.0/planet/htmltmpl.py", line 296, in compile
File "/www/home1/91/1391/web2369/planet/cron/planet-2.0/planet/htmltmpl.py", line 987, in compile
tokens = self.parse(self.read(file))
File "/www/home1/91/1391/web2369/planet/cron/planet-2.0/planet/htmltmpl.py", line 1037, in read
raise TemplateError, "IO error while reading template '%s': "\
planet.htmltmpl.TemplateError: Htmltmpl error: IO error while reading template 'index.html.tmpl': (2) No such file or directory