[PerlChina] [Fwd: 关于perl Filter::Crypto]
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From: 173041724 <173041724@qq.com>
Reply-to: 173041724 <173041724@qq.com>
To: linhy0120 <linhy0120@gmail.com>
Subject: 关于perl Filter::Crypto
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 12:57:05 +0800
很冒昧的打扰您,我是在网上有看到关于您发的 perl的Filter::Crypto 加密
1. Filter::Crypto 环境搭建,一直提示我的openssl 库找不到,但我实际上已经
安装好了 libssl-dev, 我使用的是ubuntu系统
2. 经过 Filter::Crypto 加密过后的 .pm的文件是否能解密, 我想汉化一个perl
的 网页, 但这个网页的.pl 是未加密的,但 .pm是加密是
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Re: [PerlChina] Re: @{[]} 这个特性叫什么呢,和ruby的#{}有相关的比较文章吗
查了一下perldoc,确实有提到这个trickHere's a trick for interpolating a subroutine call into a string:
- print "My sub returned @{[mysub(1,2,3)]} that time.\n";
The way it works is that when the
is seen in the double-quoted string, it's evaluated as a block. The block creates a reference to an anonymous array containing the results of the call tomysub(1,2,3)
. So the whole block returns a reference to an array, which is then dereferenced by@{...}
and stuck into the double-quoted string.
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:07:21 PM UTC+8, 方及道 wrote:我好像在哪里看过这个特性的,所以进来问问。你可以测试下下面代码块:$bool = 0$a=1;$b=2;print <<"_EOC_";a+b = @{ [ $a+$b ] }a+b = @{ if (!$bool) { [ $a + $b ] } }_EOC_你说的不是我要的。 @{[]} 应该是用字符串解析里面的,和ruby 的 #{} 很像。
在 2013年6月12日星期三UTC+8下午11时02分32秒,twcai写道: [ ]是一个数组引用,@{ }是对应的解引用。你往数组里扔表达式的话,perl会把表达式的值存入对应的位置而已。 跟你想要的应该不是同一个东西。
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:56:49 PM UTC+8, 方及道 wrote:在print里用了@{ [ expr ] }, 貌似可以在@{ } 里嵌入任意perl代码,不知道这个特性叫什么?ruby里的#{} 好像方便很多--
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[PerlChina] Re: @{[]} 这个特性叫什么呢,和ruby的#{}有相关的比较文章吗
Here's a trick for interpolating a subroutine call into a string:
- print "My sub returned @{[mysub(1,2,3)]} that time.\n";
The way it works is that when the
is seen in the double-quoted string, it's evaluated as a block. The block creates a reference to an anonymous array containing the results of the call tomysub(1,2,3)
. So the whole block returns a reference to an array, which is then dereferenced by@{...}
and stuck into the double-quoted string.
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:07:21 PM UTC+8, 方及道 wrote:
我好像在哪里看过这个特性的,所以进来问问。你可以测试下下面代码块:$bool = 0$a=1;$b=2;print <<"_EOC_";a+b = @{ [ $a+$b ] }a+b = @{ if (!$bool) { [ $a + $b ] } }_EOC_你说的不是我要的。 @{[]} 应该是用字符串解析里面的,和ruby 的 #{} 很像。
在 2013年6月12日星期三UTC+8下午11时02分32秒,twcai写道: [ ]是一个数组引用,@{ }是对应的解引用。你往数组里扔表达式的话,perl会把表达式的值存入对应的位置而已。 跟你想要的应该不是同一个东西。
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:56:49 PM UTC+8, 方及道 wrote:在print里用了@{ [ expr ] }, 貌似可以在@{ } 里嵌入任意perl代码,不知道这个特性叫什么?ruby里的#{} 好像方便很多
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
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要查看更多选项,请访问 https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out。
[PerlChina] Re: @{[]} 这个特性叫什么呢,和ruby的#{}有相关的比较文章吗
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:07:21 PM UTC+8, 方及道 wrote:
我好像在哪里看过这个特性的,所以进来问问。你可以测试下下面代码块:$bool = 0$a=1;$b=2;print <<"_EOC_";a+b = @{ [ $a+$b ] }a+b = @{ if (!$bool) { [ $a + $b ] } }_EOC_你说的不是我要的。 @{[]} 应该是用字符串解析里面的,和ruby 的 #{} 很像。
在 2013年6月12日星期三UTC+8下午11时02分32秒,twcai写道: [ ]是一个数组引用,@{ }是对应的解引用。你往数组里扔表达式的话,perl会把表达式的值存入对应的位置而已。 跟你想要的应该不是同一个东西。
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:56:49 PM UTC+8, 方及道 wrote:在print里用了@{ [ expr ] }, 貌似可以在@{ } 里嵌入任意perl代码,不知道这个特性叫什么?ruby里的#{} 好像方便很多
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
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要查看更多选项,请访问 https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out。
[PerlChina] Re: @{[]} 这个特性叫什么呢,和ruby的#{}有相关的比较文章吗
在 2013年6月12日星期三UTC+8下午11时02分32秒,twcai写道:
[ ]是一个数组引用,@{ }是对应的解引用。你往数组里扔表达式的话,perl会把表达式的值存入对应的位置而已。 跟你想要的应该不是同一个东西。
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:56:49 PM UTC+8, 方及道 wrote:在print里用了@{ [ expr ] }, 貌似可以在@{ } 里嵌入任意perl代码,不知道这个特性叫什么?ruby里的#{} 好像方便很多
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
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[PerlChina] Re: @{[]} 这个特性叫什么呢,和ruby的#{}有相关的比较文章吗
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:56:49 PM UTC+8, 方及道 wrote:
在print里用了@{ [ expr ] }, 貌似可以在@{ } 里嵌入任意perl代码,不知道这个特性叫什么?ruby里的#{} 好像方便很多
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
要退订此论坛并停止接收此论坛的电子邮件,请发送电子邮件到 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com。
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要查看更多选项,请访问 https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out。
[PerlChina] @{[]} 这个特性叫什么呢,和ruby的#{}有相关的比较文章吗
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
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[PerlChina] Win7安装Config-IniFiles模块遇到的问题
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
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Re: [PerlChina] Win7安装Config-IniFiles模块遇到的问题
I think it works good, at least I do not see any failing test. which
perl version are you using? stawberryperl? maybe try a different perl
2013/6/10 jack wu <jackcfanwu@gmail.com>:
> 这个模块其实都不用装,直接提取出来放到perl的环境变量目录下就好了。不知道你安装其他模块有没有问题,我看你用的是dmake,windows的话最好还是用nmake,至少我一直用nmake没出问题
> 在 2013-6-10 下午6:03,"Evel Liu" <evel.evel@gmail.com>写道:
>> 我想安装Config::IniFiles 但是貌似有点问题。每次调用出现错误对话框,安装test最后一步有下面的log
>> 大侠帮忙看看。有何建议?系统是win7 32bit
>> ==============
>> Config-IniFiles-2.82/scripts
>> Config-IniFiles-2.82/scripts/tag-release.pl
>> Use of uninitialized value $prefer_installer in lc at
>> C:\Perl\lib/CPAN/Distribut
>> ion.pm line 754.---这个有影响吗?
>> Use of uninitialized value $prefer_installer in lc at
>> C:\Perl\lib/CPAN/Distribut
>> ion.pm line 757.---这个有影响吗?
>> CPAN.pm: Building S/SH/SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
>> # running Build.PL --installdirs site
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
>> Creating new 'Build' script for 'Config-IniFiles' version '2.82'
>> C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> Building Config-IniFiles
>> SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
>> C:\Perl\site\bin\dmake.exe -- OK
>> Running make test
>> C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1 test
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
>> t\00load.t ....................................
>> Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 4 tests but ran 0.
>> t\32mswin-outputs-contain-crs.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 0 Failed:
>> 0)
>> Non-zero exit status: 5
>> Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
>> Files=35, Tests=0, 177 wallclock secs ( 0.27 usr + 0.13 sys = 0.39 CPU)
>> Result: FAIL
>> Failed 32/35 test programs. 0/0 subtests failed.
>> dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'test'
>> SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
>> C:\Perl\site\bin\dmake.exe test -- NOT OK
>> //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
>> reports SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
>> Running make install
>> make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
>> Failed during this command:
>> SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz : make_test NO
>> ---每次跑到这里的时候就弹出一个对话框,提示说Perl Command Line Interpreter已停止工作。然后我就点击关闭程序。
>> 我也尝试用ppm安装,提示安装成功。但是每次调用模块的时候,都会弹出一样的对话框。
>> 大伙帮忙看看。谢了~!
>> --
>> 您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
>> 要退订此论坛并停止接收此论坛的电子邮件,请发送电子邮件到 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com。
>> 要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com。
>> 通过以下网址访问此论坛:http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN。
>> 要查看更多选项,请访问 https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out。
> --
> 您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
> 要退订此论坛并停止接收此论坛的电子邮件,请发送电子邮件到 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com。
> 要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com。
> 通过以下网址访问此论坛:http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN。
> 要查看更多选项,请访问 https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out。
Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
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Re: [PerlChina] Win7安装Config-IniFiles模块遇到的问题
我想安装Config::IniFiles 但是貌似有点问题。每次调用出现错误对话框,安装test最后一步有下面的log
大侠帮忙看看。有何建议?系统是win7 32bit
Use of uninitialized value $prefer_installer in lc at C:\Perl\lib/CPAN/Distribut
ion.pm line 754.---这个有影响吗?
Use of uninitialized value $prefer_installer in lc at C:\Perl\lib/CPAN/Distribut
ion.pm line 757.---这个有影响吗?
CPAN.pm: Building S/SH/SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
# running Build.PL --installdirs site
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
Creating new 'Build' script for 'Config-IniFiles' version '2.82'
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Building Config-IniFiles
C:\Perl\site\bin\dmake.exe -- OK
Running make test
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1 test
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
t\00load.t ....................................
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 4 tests but ran 0.
t\32mswin-outputs-contain-crs.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 5
Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=35, Tests=0, 177 wallclock secs ( 0.27 usr + 0.13 sys = 0.39 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 32/35 test programs. 0/0 subtests failed.
dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'test'
C:\Perl\site\bin\dmake.exe test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
reports SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
Running make install
make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
Failed during this command:
SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz : make_test NO ---每次跑到这里的时候就弹出一个对话框,提示说Perl Command Line Interpreter已停止工作。然后我就点击关闭程序。
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的“PerlChina Mongers 讨论组”论坛。
要退订此论坛并停止接收此论坛的电子邮件,请发送电子邮件到 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com。
要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com。
要查看更多选项,请访问 https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out。
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
要退订此论坛并停止接收此论坛的电子邮件,请发送电子邮件到 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com。
要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com。
要查看更多选项,请访问 https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out。
[PerlChina] Win7安装Config-IniFiles模块遇到的问题
大侠帮忙看看。有何建议?系统是win7 32bit
Use of uninitialized value $prefer_installer in lc at C:\Perl\lib/CPAN/Distribut
ion.pm line 754.---这个有影响吗?
Use of uninitialized value $prefer_installer in lc at C:\Perl\lib/CPAN/Distribut
ion.pm line 757.---这个有影响吗?
CPAN.pm: Building S/SH/SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
# running Build.PL --installdirs site
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
Creating new 'Build' script for 'Config-IniFiles' version '2.82'
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Building Config-IniFiles
C:\Perl\site\bin\dmake.exe -- OK
Running make test
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1 test
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
t\00load.t ....................................
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 4 tests but ran 0.
t\32mswin-outputs-contain-crs.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 5
Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=35, Tests=0, 177 wallclock secs ( 0.27 usr + 0.13 sys = 0.39 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 32/35 test programs. 0/0 subtests failed.
dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'test'
C:\Perl\site\bin\dmake.exe test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
reports SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
Running make install
make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
Failed during this command:
SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz : make_test NO ---每次跑到这里的时候就弹出一个对话框,提示说Perl Command Line Interpreter已停止工作。然后我就点击关闭程序。
您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
要退订此论坛并停止接收此论坛的电子邮件,请发送电子邮件到 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com。
要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com。
要查看更多选项,请访问 https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out。
[PerlChina] Win7安装Config-IniFiles模块遇到的问题
大侠帮忙看看。有何建议?系统是win7 32bit
Use of uninitialized value $prefer_installer in lc at C:\Perl\lib/CPAN/Distribut
ion.pm line 754.---这个有影响吗?
Use of uninitialized value $prefer_installer in lc at C:\Perl\lib/CPAN/Distribut
ion.pm line 757.---这个有影响吗?
CPAN.pm: Building S/SH/SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
# running Build.PL --installdirs site
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
Creating new 'Build' script for 'Config-IniFiles' version '2.82'
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Building Config-IniFiles
C:\Perl\site\bin\dmake.exe -- OK
Running make test
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1 test
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
Set up gcc environment - 4.6.2
t\00load.t ....................................
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 4 tests but ran 0.
t\32mswin-outputs-contain-crs.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 5
Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=35, Tests=0, 177 wallclock secs ( 0.27 usr + 0.13 sys = 0.39 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 32/35 test programs. 0/0 subtests failed.
dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'test'
C:\Perl\site\bin\dmake.exe test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
reports SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz
Running make install
make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
Failed during this command:
SHLOMIF/Config-IniFiles-2.82.tar.gz : make_test NO ---每次跑到这里的时候就弹出一个对话框,提示说Perl Command Line Interpreter已停止工作。然后我就点击关闭程序。
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