
Re: [PerlChina] 大家来晒晒把

在 2012年5月2日 下午11:29,方及道 <rungumpth000@gmail.com> 写道:
> 第一次创建豆瓣线上活动,还望各位踊跃分享。
> http://www.douban.com/online/11096288/
> 用这把利刀在豆瓣上留下永不磨灭的印记


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Re: [PerlChina] Re: [perlchina] 社区建设报名贴


在 2012年4月27日 下午4:10,Mengz You <mengz.you@gmail.com>写道:

github id: mengzyou


在 2012年4月17日星期二UTC+8下午2时57分56秒,Achillles Xu写道:


这个帖子是正式的报名贴,愿意参与贡献的朋友请加入 QQ 群,并把你的 github ID 发给我。

Achilles Xu

您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的“PerlChina Mongers 讨论组”论坛。
要在网络上查看此讨论,请访问 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/perlchina/-/FhqOsv_fXUwJ

要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com
要取消订阅此网上论坛,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
若有更多问题,请通过 http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN 访问此网上论坛。

Achilles Xu

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[PerlChina] 大家来晒晒把




您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
要在网络上查看此讨论,请访问 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/perlchina/-/26oo49ciehYJ
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Re: [PerlChina] Fwd: [Perlweekly] #40 - Perl 5.16.0 is coming soon!

Thanks, I like this very much :)

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2012-04-28 19:15:43 GMT

  1. Perl: while with no conditional - [21/3]
  2. Perl's file test operator -f returns true for symbolic links - [15/3]
  3. Is Try::Tiny still recommended for exception handling in Perl 5.14 or later? - [12/3]
  4. How do I unimport a function in perl? - [7/2]
  5. What does the keyword `no` actually do in Perl? - [7/1]
  6. does python has its error report message like $! in perl - [5/2]
  7. In Perl, how can I generate all possible combinations of a list? - [5/7]
  8. Negative lookahead assertion with the * modifier in Perl - [5/3]
  9. How to avoid race conditions when using the find_or_create method of DBIx::Class::ResultSet? - [4/2]
  10. Avoiding mix of certain arguments to script - [4/1]


On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 5:57 PM, Fayland Lam <fayland@gmail.com> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gabor Szabo <gabor@szabgab.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 5:39 PM
Subject: [Perlweekly] #40 - Perl 5.16.0 is coming soon!
To: perlweekly@perlweekly.com

Perl Weekly

Issue #40 - April 30, 2012 - Perl 5.16.0 is coming soon!

You can read the newsletter on the web, if you prefer.


It was late Sunday evening when I was trying to put together this edition and I was way too tired for this. At one point I noticed I was going over the same items I did last week. Clearly I need a better way to manage the links I collect. It is on its way but other tasks constantly get in front of it.

For this issue, I had to reduce the amount of comments so I could finish it before midnight.

BTW Miguel Prz (niceperl) started a new weekly posting. This time with his MetaCPAN favourites.

Now to the posts:


Perl 5.16.0 is coming soon!
If Perl is an important tool in your toolbox then follow what Ricardo SIGNES is asking you and test it. Before the release!


Padre 0.96 has been released...
After another long release cycle, Peter Lavender reports the new version of Padre. Two more and we arrive at the magical 1.00 release.

Send A Newbie
The new round of the Send a Newbie to YAPC program was announced by Mark Keating.

(i) MetaCPAN favourites weekly report
This is the second weekly blog post published by Miguel Prz (niceperl). In this one he is listing the modules that gained the most +-es on MetaCPAN.


Speed up by a factor of 6 million
Carl Mäsak looks at a Perl 6 script that arrives to the same solution as his C program but 6 million times faster. That sounds crazy but interesting. He discusses the Perl 5 solution written by Salvador Fandino and then provides a Perl 6 solution to the same problem.

Ubic - status report
'Ubic is a polymorphic service manager which makes creating daemons easy, while being extensible in a several different ways' writes Vyacheslav Matjukhin after a long break in reporting about his module. He mixes a big dose of technical update with information on talks showing the project and ideas about reaching out to potential users. Not only Perl developers.

RT fixes for Perl DBD::Oracle and request for people using TAF
Martin Evans

This is why I love Template Toolkit
Aaron Trevena learns about the META directive of TT.

Alien::Base Perl Foundation Grant Report Month 2
by Joel Berger

Embrace the Little Conveniences
Do you use File::Slurp or write your own slurp() function? Do you use Proc::Fork or call fork() by yourself? What does chromatic do?

Before you write a patch, write an email
Andy Lester offers his opinion on how to approach an open source project with patches. I am not sure. I think, while this make sense, is in contradiction with the earlier message: 'code speaks'. So what do you think?


Perl Hackathon QA 2012
Apparently the flow of reports from the QA Hackathons still has not dryed up. This time Geistteufel, the celogeek, wrote up a few words and add links to some pictures.


Websockets in nginx-perl
A few simple examples by Alexandr Gomoliako.

How do you pass the PostData argument to the Navigate method of IWebBrowser2 using Win32::OLE?
by Sinan Unur


My personalized Perl bumper sticker
Ron Savage has a a Perl-powered Toyota hybrid!

Ninja Code
That's just scary. (The second post of Chris Grau)

Perl devroom @FOSDEM2012: photos
Claudio Ramirez El-Che

Perl 6

The Perl 6 Hackathon is over, but the reports have not ended yet

Revenge of the Oslo hackathon
Carl Mäsak breaks a month of blog-silence and writes about the Perl 6 hackathon in Oslo from his point of view.

Back from Oslo
Tadeusz Sosnierz (tadzik) discovered that the Perl 6 Hackathon is better than bacon with maasdamer. Or at least on the same level. I think I am not supposed to comment on this.

Perl 6 Hackathon in Oslo: Report From The Second Day
by Moritz Lenz

Post-hackathon thoughts
by Jan Ingvoldstad

Rakudo Star 2012.04 - a useful, usable, 'early adopter' distribution of Perl 6


Dave Cross announced his free Perl training in London which 'sold out' in a few hours. There is no point to link to it, but it is interesting to mention. Apparently, free sells well :).

Post-mortem Linguistics in Zurich
by Damian Conway. Tuesday May 8, 2012.

Quantum-Relativistic Time-Travel in Lisbon
by Damian Conway. Thursday May 3, 2012

The self promotion section

Splice to slice and dice arrays in Perl
Part of the Perl Maven tutorial/book.

Facebook vs Google+ for Perl projects
Listing the pages and comparing number of followers. If you are on either of those social networks, you might want to check out what pages you could follow.


I usually include 3-4 of the nearest events. If your's is not here, I might not know about it. Let me know about it!

Perl Mova Workshop in Kiev
May 12-13, 2012, Kiev, Ukraine

Nordic Perl workshop
June 4-5, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden

June 13-15, 2012, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

French Perl workshop
June 29-30, 2012, Strasbourg

You joined the Perl Weekly to get weekly e-mails about the Perl programming language and related topics.
Want to see more? See the archives of all the issues.
Reading this as a non-subscriber? click here to join us free of charge.
(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo. The articles are copyright the respective authors.

You can unsubscribe here if you don't want to receive mails any more.

You can freely redistribute this message if you keep the whole message intact, including the Copyright notice and this text.

Perlweekly mailing list

Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/

您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com
要取消订阅此网上论坛,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
若有更多问题,请通过 http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN 访问此网上论坛。

您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com。
要取消订阅此网上论坛,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com。
若有更多问题,请通过 http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN 访问此网上论坛。

[PerlChina] Fwd: [Perlweekly] #40 - Perl 5.16.0 is coming soon!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gabor Szabo <gabor@szabgab.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 5:39 PM
Subject: [Perlweekly] #40 - Perl 5.16.0 is coming soon!
To: perlweekly@perlweekly.com

Perl Weekly

Issue #40 - April 30, 2012 - Perl 5.16.0 is coming soon!

You can read the newsletter on the web, if you prefer.


It was late Sunday evening when I was trying to put together this edition and I was way too tired for this. At one point I noticed I was going over the same items I did last week. Clearly I need a better way to manage the links I collect. It is on its way but other tasks constantly get in front of it.

For this issue, I had to reduce the amount of comments so I could finish it before midnight.

BTW Miguel Prz (niceperl) started a new weekly posting. This time with his MetaCPAN favourites.

Now to the posts:


Perl 5.16.0 is coming soon!
If Perl is an important tool in your toolbox then follow what Ricardo SIGNES is asking you and test it. Before the release!


Padre 0.96 has been released...
After another long release cycle, Peter Lavender reports the new version of Padre. Two more and we arrive at the magical 1.00 release.

Send A Newbie
The new round of the Send a Newbie to YAPC program was announced by Mark Keating.

(i) MetaCPAN favourites weekly report
This is the second weekly blog post published by Miguel Prz (niceperl). In this one he is listing the modules that gained the most +-es on MetaCPAN.


Speed up by a factor of 6 million
Carl Mäsak looks at a Perl 6 script that arrives to the same solution as his C program but 6 million times faster. That sounds crazy but interesting. He discusses the Perl 5 solution written by Salvador Fandino and then provides a Perl 6 solution to the same problem.

Ubic - status report
'Ubic is a polymorphic service manager which makes creating daemons easy, while being extensible in a several different ways' writes Vyacheslav Matjukhin after a long break in reporting about his module. He mixes a big dose of technical update with information on talks showing the project and ideas about reaching out to potential users. Not only Perl developers.

RT fixes for Perl DBD::Oracle and request for people using TAF
Martin Evans

This is why I love Template Toolkit
Aaron Trevena learns about the META directive of TT.

Alien::Base Perl Foundation Grant Report Month 2
by Joel Berger

Embrace the Little Conveniences
Do you use File::Slurp or write your own slurp() function? Do you use Proc::Fork or call fork() by yourself? What does chromatic do?

Before you write a patch, write an email
Andy Lester offers his opinion on how to approach an open source project with patches. I am not sure. I think, while this make sense, is in contradiction with the earlier message: 'code speaks'. So what do you think?


Perl Hackathon QA 2012
Apparently the flow of reports from the QA Hackathons still has not dryed up. This time Geistteufel, the celogeek, wrote up a few words and add links to some pictures.


Websockets in nginx-perl
A few simple examples by Alexandr Gomoliako.

How do you pass the PostData argument to the Navigate method of IWebBrowser2 using Win32::OLE?
by Sinan Unur


My personalized Perl bumper sticker
Ron Savage has a a Perl-powered Toyota hybrid!

Ninja Code
That's just scary. (The second post of Chris Grau)

Perl devroom @FOSDEM2012: photos
Claudio Ramirez El-Che

Perl 6

The Perl 6 Hackathon is over, but the reports have not ended yet

Revenge of the Oslo hackathon
Carl Mäsak breaks a month of blog-silence and writes about the Perl 6 hackathon in Oslo from his point of view.

Back from Oslo
Tadeusz Sosnierz (tadzik) discovered that the Perl 6 Hackathon is better than bacon with maasdamer. Or at least on the same level. I think I am not supposed to comment on this.

Perl 6 Hackathon in Oslo: Report From The Second Day
by Moritz Lenz

Post-hackathon thoughts
by Jan Ingvoldstad

Rakudo Star 2012.04 - a useful, usable, 'early adopter' distribution of Perl 6


Dave Cross announced his free Perl training in London which 'sold out' in a few hours. There is no point to link to it, but it is interesting to mention. Apparently, free sells well :).

Post-mortem Linguistics in Zurich
by Damian Conway. Tuesday May 8, 2012.

Quantum-Relativistic Time-Travel in Lisbon
by Damian Conway. Thursday May 3, 2012

The self promotion section

Splice to slice and dice arrays in Perl
Part of the Perl Maven tutorial/book.

Facebook vs Google+ for Perl projects
Listing the pages and comparing number of followers. If you are on either of those social networks, you might want to check out what pages you could follow.


I usually include 3-4 of the nearest events. If your's is not here, I might not know about it. Let me know about it!

Perl Mova Workshop in Kiev
May 12-13, 2012, Kiev, Ukraine

Nordic Perl workshop
June 4-5, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden

June 13-15, 2012, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

French Perl workshop
June 29-30, 2012, Strasbourg

You joined the Perl Weekly to get weekly e-mails about the Perl programming language and related topics.
Want to see more? See the archives of all the issues.
Reading this as a non-subscriber? click here to join us free of charge.
(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo. The articles are copyright the respective authors.

You can unsubscribe here if you don't want to receive mails any more.

You can freely redistribute this message if you keep the whole message intact, including the Copyright notice and this text.

Perlweekly mailing list

Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/

您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com。
要取消订阅此网上论坛,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com。
若有更多问题,请通过 http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN 访问此网上论坛。