# MooX::Options
在写命令行程序的时候,我们肯定都用过 [Getopt::Long](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt::Long) 模块。不过我在看 Message::Passing 项目源码的时候,发现这个项目用的是另一个模块,而且跟整个项目的 Moo 风格还真是非常搭。今天给大家介绍一下,这个模块叫:[MooX::Options](http://metacpan.org/pod/MooX::Options)。
这个模块的特点,就是把每个命令行参数都当做是对象属性来处理了。为了在语法上更明确一点,该模块包装了一下 Moo 的 `has` 关键字,改叫 `option` 。此外,还提供了一些便捷功能,比如自动生成数组、自动加载 JSON 等。
## MyAppCmd.pm 示例
package MyAppCmd;
use Moo;
use MooX::Options;
option 'verbose' => (
is => 'ro',
negativable => 1,
doc => "a Bool option",
short => 'v'
option 'float' => (
is => 'ro',
format => 'f',
doc => "a Float option",
option 'string_array' => (
is => 'ro',
format => 's@',
autosplit => ',',
default => sub { [] },
doc => "an Array contains String items, you can use ',' to split it",
option 'integer' => (
is => 'ro',
format => 'i@',
autorange => 1,
doc => "an Array contains Int items, you can use '..' to generate ranges",
option 'json' => (
is => 'ro',
json => 1,
required => 1,
doc => "a JSON option you must provide",
## myappcmd 程序示例
use MyAppCmd;
use DDP;
my $opt = MyAppCmd->new_with_options;
p $opt;
## 运行效果示例:
$ perl moox_options.md.pl
json is missing
USAGE: moox_options.md.pl [-hv] [long options...]
--float: Real
a Float option
--integer: [Ints]
an Array contains Int items, you can use '..' to generate ranges
--json: JSON
a JSON option you must provide
--string_array: [Strings]
an Array contains String items, you can use ',' to split it
a Bool option
show a short help message
-h --help:
show a help message
show the manual
$ perl myappcmd --json '{"key":"value"}' --string_array=a,b,c --string_array=d --integer=1..4 --float=1.1 -v
MyAppCmd {
Parents Moo::Object
public methods (7) : DOES, float, integer, json, new, string_array, verbose
private methods (2) : _options_config, _options_data
internals: {
format => 's@',
float 1.1,
integer [
[0] 1,
[1] 2,
[2] 3,
[3] 4
json {
key "value"
string_array [
[0] "a",
[1] "b",
[2] "c",
[3] "d"
verbose 1
可以看到,`$opt` 是一个 MyAppCmd 对象,你定义的每个 option 都是一个对象属性,可以用同名方法获取其值。
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