
Re: [PerlChina] Re: perl 如何提取html文件中连续script标签并进行合并?



Re: [PerlChina] Re: perl 如何提取html文件中连续script标签并进行合并?


在 2012年5月14日 下午2:41,Rui Hu <rui0hu@gmail.com>写道:

我是新手  也期待高手给一个好的解决方法 正则只会简单匹配  这种处理没做过

2012/5/14 Cloud Liu <cloud.liuzj@gmail.com>:
> 是否可以自己写个正则,把JS标签里的东西都合并在一起呢?

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Re:[PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的摘要 - “1 个主题”有 2 个帖子

perlchina@googlegroups.com wrote:

>网上论坛: perlchina@googlegroups.com
>网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/topics
> - more than one way in perl [2 条更新]
> http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/t/492494e7f83142e9
>主题: more than one way in perl
>网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/t/492494e7f83142e9
>---------- 第 1 个(共 2 个) ----------
>发件人: Haiyan Lin <linhy0120@gmail.com>
>日期: May 17 05:05PM +0800
>网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/msg/e3da78387de45080
>Hi, perlers,
>Supposing I have a hash reference in hand, the effect of the following
>two statements
>$hash1_ref = &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1' );
>$hash2_ref = &subroutine1( $hash1_ref, 'parameter2' );
>will save elements in $hash0_ref, stafisfying both parameter1 and
>parameter2, into $hash2_ref.
>I try to do this by following one statement, but I failed.
>$hash_ref2 = &subroutine1( &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1'),
>'paratemter2') ;
>any help? THANKS in advance
>?????????$hash0_ref?????parameter1 ?parameter2???,???$hash2_ref??
>$hash1_ref = &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1' );
>$hash2_ref = &subroutine1( $hash1_ref, 'parameter2' );
>$hash_ref2 = &subroutine1( &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1'),
>'paratemter2') ;
>Haiyan Lin
>---------- 第 2 个(共 2 个) ----------
>发件人: joe jiang <lamp.purl@gmail.com>
>日期: May 17 07:41PM +0800
>网址: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/msg/11865bfc42817023
>Think this is related to your logic inside the subroutine1, please check
>why there are many lines of eval and 1>1
>您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
>要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com
>要取消订阅此网上论坛,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
>若有更多问题,请通过 http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN 访问此网上论坛。

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Re: [PerlChina] more than one way in perl

Think this is related to your logic inside the subroutine1, please check why there are many lines of eval and 1>1

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Haiyan Lin <linhy0120@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, perlers,

Supposing I have a hash reference in hand, the effect of the following two statements

$hash1_ref = &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1' );
$hash2_ref = &subroutine1( $hash1_ref, 'parameter2' );

will save elements in $hash0_ref, stafisfying both parameter1 and parameter2, into $hash2_ref.

I try to do this by following one statement, but I failed.

$hash_ref2 = &subroutine1( &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1'), 'paratemter2') ;

any help? THANKS in advance

下面的语句可以得到$hash0_ref中同时满足parameter1 和parameter2的结果,并放到$hash2_ref中。
$hash1_ref = &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1' );
$hash2_ref = &subroutine1( $hash1_ref, 'parameter2' );


$hash_ref2 = &subroutine1( &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1'), 'paratemter2') ;

Haiyan Lin

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[PerlChina] more than one way in perl

Hi, perlers,

Supposing I have a hash reference in hand, the effect of the following two statements

$hash1_ref = &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1' );
$hash2_ref = &subroutine1( $hash1_ref, 'parameter2' );

will save elements in $hash0_ref, stafisfying both parameter1 and parameter2, into $hash2_ref.

I try to do this by following one statement, but I failed.

$hash_ref2 = &subroutine1( &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1'), 'paratemter2') ;

any help? THANKS in advance

下面的语句可以得到$hash0_ref中同时满足parameter1 和parameter2的结果,并放到$hash2_ref中。
$hash1_ref = &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1' );
$hash2_ref = &subroutine1( $hash1_ref, 'parameter2' );


$hash_ref2 = &subroutine1( &subroutine1( $hash0_ref, 'parameter1'), 'paratemter2') ;

Haiyan Lin


Re: [PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的摘要 - “1 个主题”有 2 个帖子


在 2012年5月14日 下午8:53,imxae <imx365ster@gmail.com>写道:


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[PerlChina] Fwd: [Perlweekly] #42 - What is in a name?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gabor Szabo <gabor@szabgab.com>
Date: Mon, May 14, 2012 at 8:43 PM
Subject: [Perlweekly] #42 - What is in a name?
To: perlweekly@perlweekly.com

Perl Weekly

Issue #42 - May 14, 2012 - What is in a name?

You can read the newsletter on the web, if you prefer.


This issue was put together in Kiev, thanks to Yaroslav Korshak (yko), Alexandra Solov'eva (Sasha), Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi (vti) who organized Perl Mova and invited me to participate. Special thanks to yko and Sasha who even let me stay in their apartment.

I enjoyed myself very much walking around in Kiev and the conference was also great. On the first day there were several talks in English. The second day I spent in the hallway track. vti has already wrote about it (see below), but I hope we'll see several other reports written about the event.

It seems giving names is a central theme of this issue. There are at least 3 items related to the importance and the difficulty of naming things.

Lastly, let me point out, that Damian Conway will give a talk in New York, in May 17. See details below.

Now to the posts...


Acme::MetaSyntactic is back!
After a hiatus of five and a half years, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) has finally put together a new version of his module. Not only that, he also pays tribute to the political events in his country. Having this module, no one should have any excuse of giving bad names to their modules or classes or methods. See the other links about naming.
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YAPC::NA Will Be Televised!
YAPC::NA will be streamed live for free. If you were not able to come, this is a good opportunity to follow the talks even if you miss the hallway track and the other social aspects of the conference.
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Acme created a back-up of all the content use.perl.org had and made it available to you.
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Twitter Bootstrap templates for Dancer Applications
by Max Maischein (Corion)
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NYTProf, File IO, and an Optimization Gone Awry
In order to speed up processing chromatic added caching to his application, just to find out that the module he was using writes the data it gets to a temp file. After getting rid of the premature optimization, he got faster and nicer looking code.
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On the importance of intuitive names
In light of the post of Joel Berger this writing by Zbigniew Lukasiak is even more interesting. How do you pick names (of classes and methods in this case) to make it easier for people to use them? To make them more obvious?
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Introduction to Perl one-liners
This is the introduction Peteris Krumins added to his recently published e-book about one-liners.
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Write the Wrong Code First
Many people, especially beginners and managers expect you to write good code. Right at the beginning. That's not how most of us work. chromatic puts it quite right. There is a place for rewriting code. There is a place for refactoring. There is also a need for writing automated tests.
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Simple Attribute-Based Template Exporting
chromatic wrote a plugin for Template::Toolkit which is, in his words, less ugly than Haml. Admittedly this is not the way how to write a TT plugin but it is an opportunity to show how to export functions using attributes.
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A file download CGI script in Perl
Sinan Unur wrote a detailed description on how to create a file download script.
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Web-Multitasking: Whos gonna work for the working man?
Sebastian Willing provides several strategies improving the performance of your web application. He also gives descriptive names to each one of them.
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Removing Locale::Country::SubCountry from CPAN
Instead of trying to keep this information up to date manually, Ron Savage started to use the Wikipedia to scrape the information and store it in a local SQLite database. People quickly came to his help with suggestions to take over the module and pointers to other sources for the information he was missing.
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On CPAN Namespaces: Urban Namespace Planning
Naming your children and your modules isn't easy. Joel Berger struggles with this (in public) while getting the help of many people. Beyond the specific issue, the question is what should the module name describe? The technology it implements? The problem it solves? Should it be some unrelated name, just to be nice and interesting?
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Don't use Cache::Memcached for UTF8 strings
A story in which Thomas Kalusner (domm) find out the hard way that Cache::Memcached does not fully support utf8 but Cache::Memcached::Fast does. That sounds simple but see the discussion that followed.
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CPAN Testers Summary - April 2012 - Pictures At An Exhibition
The CPAN Testers Fund got its first individual donations (hint, you can donate too) and Barbie explains why it *is* important to run the tests during the installation process or how that could be avoided by looking at the data in the CPAN Testers database.
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Simulating multiple, lazy attributes
If I told you that you'll see an example of 'native attribute traits and accessor currying of Moose', would you be interested? What if it helped you reduce code and make it easy to write accessors for a configuration file? Written by Chris Weyl of White-Point Star, LLC.
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Reddit API for Perl
Jeff Ober put together a Perl module to access Reddit. It already has many parts such as posting a new article, voting, commenting and searching Reddit. It looks like something very useful for me. The funny thing is that on the TODO list you can see 'unit testing'. Oh well.
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Using the VirusTotal API v2.0
Christopher Frenz, the author of Pro Perl Parsing, has recently opened a blog showing Perl examples. This one is a small example on using the VirusTotal API to check if a file has viruses in it. I found a module on CPAN called VT::API that implements version 1.0 of the API while this examples is for version 2.0. I hope the CPAN module will be updated to the new version of the API... I can also imagine a command line tool using this code and later maybe even a GUI for it.
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Mix Perl and C++/CLI
xiaoayfeng shows a small example how to embed Perl into an application written in C.
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Event reports

Perl Mova / YAPC::Russia 2012 is over!
by Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi (vti)
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Damian Conway in New York on May 17, 2012
Temporally Quaquaversal Virtual Nanomachine Programming In Multiple Topologically Connected Quantum-Relativistic Parallel Spacetimes...Made Easy!
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Perl 6

Perl 6 and D separated at birth
This is interesting. I never looked at it, but if the D programming language is really that similar to the power of Perl 6 and it is in a form that can be used in production systems, then it might be interesting to check it out. I love Perl 6 and if I can have something that is similar to it today, then... then the question, why is it not in wide-spread usage yet? Brad Gilbert recommeds to learn D.
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Since the Hackathon...
After the fun and productive hackathon in Oslo, Jonathan Worthington is back at his own desk planning to implement many additional parts of Perl 6.
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The self promotion section

Registration process with Perl Dancer
A very simple version of double opt-in registration: Let visitors type in an e-mail, and send them a code so they can verify they are in control of that address.
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I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on on the web site. If your Perl event is not in the list, let me know.

Nordic Perl workshop
June 4-5, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden
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June 13-15, 2012, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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French Perl workshop
June 29-30, 2012, Strasbourg
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Quack And Hack 2012
June 30-July 1, 2012, Philadelphia
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Re: [PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的摘要 - “1 个主题”有 2 个帖子


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Re: [PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的摘要 - “1 个主题”有 2 个帖子

I know HTML::TreeBuilder with ->right() and ->right()->right()->{_tag}
eq 'script' can check if there is 3 scripts together, but it's pretty
tricky too.


2012/5/14 Rui Hu <rui0hu@gmail.com>:
> 这个似乎没有达到楼主想要的连续的效果,楼主说是处理连续的三行
> 楼主给的示例中的d.js并没有被合并 你这个代码是不是会合并d.js到上面的三行中?
> 2012/5/14 陈钢 <missingyousomuch@163.com>:
>> my @js_files = $html =~ /<script>balabala(.*?\.js)<\/script>/gims;
>> my $new_tag = "<script>";
>> foreach (@js_files)
>> {
>> $new_tag.= $_ .",";
>> }
>> $new_tag .= "</script>";
> --
> 您收到此邮件是因为您订阅了 Google 网上论坛的"PerlChina Mongers 讨论组"论坛。
> 要向此网上论坛发帖,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina@googlegroups.com
> 要取消订阅此网上论坛,请发送电子邮件至 perlchina+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
> 若有更多问题,请通过 http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina?hl=zh-CN 访问此网上论坛。

Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/

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Re: [PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的摘要 - “1 个主题”有 2 个帖子

楼主给的示例中的d.js并没有被合并 你这个代码是不是会合并d.js到上面的三行中?

2012/5/14 陈钢 <missingyousomuch@163.com>:
> my @js_files = $html =~ /<script>balabala(.*?\.js)<\/script>/gims;
> my $new_tag = "<script>";
> foreach (@js_files)
> {
> $new_tag.= $_ .",";
> }
> $new_tag .= "</script>";

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回复:[PerlChina] perlchina@googlegroups.com 的摘要 - “1 个主题”有 2 个帖子

my @js_files = $html =~ /<script>balabala(.*?\.js)<\/script>/gims;
my $new_tag = "<script>";
foreach (@js_files)
    $new_tag.= $_ .",";
$new_tag .= "</script>";

在 2012-05-14 16:03:39,perlchina@googlegroups.com 写道:

网上论坛: http://groups.google.com/group/perlchina/topics

    Cloud Liu <cloud.liuzj@gmail.com> May 14 11:47AM +0800  

    在 2012年5月12日 下午10:22,蓝天下云层上 <imx365ster@gmail.com>写道:


    Rui Hu <rui0hu@gmail.com> May 14 02:41PM +0800  

    我是新手 也期待高手给一个好的解决方法 正则只会简单匹配 这种处理没做过


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Re: [PerlChina] Re: perl 如何提取html文件中连续script标签并进行合并?


我是新手 也期待高手给一个好的解决方法 正则只会简单匹配 这种处理没做过

2012/5/14 Cloud Liu <cloud.liuzj@gmail.com>:
> 是否可以自己写个正则,把JS标签里的东西都合并在一起呢?

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Re: [PerlChina] Re: perl 如何提取html文件中连续script标签并进行合并?


在 2012年5月12日 下午10:22,蓝天下云层上 <imx365ster@gmail.com>写道:

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