From: Gabor Szabo <>
Date: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 8:09 PM
Subject: [Perlweekly] #47 - YAPC::EU and Moose Hackathon sign-up deadlines soon!
Issue #47 - June 18, 2012 - YAPC::EU and Moose Hackathon sign-up deadlines soon! You can read the newsletter on the web, if you prefer. Hi, YAPC::NA is over and I am writing this from a friend's place near Milwaukee. This is a very good friend from my high-school years whom, I have not seen for 15 years. I stayed with his family before the conference and came back for a few more days. I enjoy being with them very much and I don't know how many years will pass till I can see them again! There are not many items this week, as many of the regular authors were busy at YAPC::NA, but reports about the confrence started to appear, so I am including some of them. YAPC::EU is getting closer. The deadline to submit talk proposals is 15th July. Right after YAPC::EU you can also participate at the Moose Hackathon organized by the Oslo Perl Mongers. The deadline to sign up to the hackathon is 25th June! Just a week from now. It looks awesome (as all the other events the Oslo.PM organizes). Check it out! Now to the posts... Announcements Inviting to the Moving to Moose Hackathon 2012 Articles NoCOUG contest: a gentler, saner solution Community Perl without IRC Perl and Science A Perl PDL Demonstration Using the Hill Cipher Algorithm Announcing Marpa::R2 Discussion How many of your dists are in Debian? (xxxiii) stackoverflow perl report Books Read Beginner Perl by Ovid online for free Code My date bug or not so consistent consistency Fun An Arduino/Dancer-enabled mobile-enhanced door Oficially a Hardware Hacker Grants Paul Johnson, Devel::Cover Grant Report for May Training Modern Perl for Non-Perl Programmers (Redux) YAPC::NA reports A selection of reports about YAPC::NA that ended a few days ago. Reflecting on YAPC::NA 2012 My YAPC::NA 2012 Madison YAPC::NA 2012 Lunch++ YAPC::NA 2012 Aftermath My Bingo Results at YAPC::NA 2012 our Campaign Secrets rules from YAPC 2006 Events I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on on the web site. If your Perl event is not in the list, let me know. French Perl workshop YAPC::EU 2012 Moving to Moose Hackathon You joined the Perl Weekly to get weekly e-mails about the Perl programming language and related topics. You can freely redistribute this message if you keep the whole message intact, including the Copyright notice and this text. |
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