
[PerlChina] Fwd: [Perlweekly] #47 - YAPC::EU and Moose Hackathon sign-up deadlines soon!

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From: Gabor Szabo <gabor@szabgab.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 8:09 PM
Subject: [Perlweekly] #47 - YAPC::EU and Moose Hackathon sign-up deadlines soon!
To: perlweekly@perlweekly.com

Perl Weekly

Issue #47 - June 18, 2012 - YAPC::EU and Moose Hackathon sign-up deadlines soon!

You can read the newsletter on the web, if you prefer.


YAPC::NA is over and I am writing this from a friend's place near Milwaukee. This is a very good friend from my high-school years whom, I have not seen for 15 years. I stayed with his family before the conference and came back for a few more days. I enjoy being with them very much and I don't know how many years will pass till I can see them again!

There are not many items this week, as many of the regular authors were busy at YAPC::NA, but reports about the confrence started to appear, so I am including some of them.

YAPC::EU is getting closer. The deadline to submit talk proposals is 15th July. Right after YAPC::EU you can also participate at the Moose Hackathon organized by the Oslo Perl Mongers. The deadline to sign up to the hackathon is 25th June! Just a week from now. It looks awesome (as all the other events the Oslo.PM organizes). Check it out!

Now to the posts...


Inviting to the Moving to Moose Hackathon 2012
Salve Nielsen and the Oslo Perl Mongers are organizing another event. I have been to two events they organized and both were extremely good. And this one, well, just look at the picture. The best location ever. (Though I don't know how can you do any hacking there.)


NoCOUG contest: a gentler, saner solution
Yanick provides a detailed solution for the Party Planner project.


Perl without IRC
How does the Perl world look like to the 95% of people who are not using IRC? asked chromatic. They are missing out on a lot of conversations. They are not kept up-to-date with the latest trends of the Perl community. (Which might be actually good sometimes.) The Perl Weekly is actually trying to fill the void a bit, but it is far from a perfect solution.

Perl and Science

A Perl PDL Demonstration Using the Hill Cipher Algorithm
Christopher Frenz

Announcing Marpa::R2
It seems there was a lull in news about Marpa - the new parsing algorithm, but now Jeffrey Kegler has announced this new, alpha version of the package. This is faster then the previous versions and does not require Glib.


How many of your dists are in Debian?
Steven Haryanto wrote a script using Mojo::DOM to fetch the list of modules an individual author has in Debian. Several others quickly replied with examples how to fetch this information from MetaCPAN.

(xxxiii) stackoverflow perl report
The weekly link collection by Miguel Prz (niceperl)


Read Beginner Perl by Ovid online for free
Ovid mentiones that his new, not-yet-published book is now available free of charge for on-line readers. Go read it while it is available.


My date bug or not so consistent consistency
An interesting story in which Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi (vti) is surprised by the different behavior of Time::Local on perl 5.10 and perl 5.14.


An Arduino/Dancer-enabled mobile-enhanced door
An exercise in design by Sawyer making changes to the real world.

Oficially a Hardware Hacker
MDK participated in the Hardware workshop Robert Blackwell ran at YAPC::NA and got hooked.


Paul Johnson, Devel::Cover Grant Report for May


Modern Perl for Non-Perl Programmers (Redux)
Dave Cross is running another one-day training class on 6th October 2002 in London. If you know anyone who might be interested, please forward the link.

YAPC::NA reports

A selection of reports about YAPC::NA that ended a few days ago.

Reflecting on YAPC::NA 2012
by Joel Berger

My YAPC::NA 2012 Madison
by Reini Urban

YAPC::NA 2012
by Tim Heaney (oylenshpeegul)

Originally suggested by brian d foy, MDK wants to take the idea of 'Lunch with a celebrity' one step further and get it more organized. I personally had ambivalent feelings about the Lunch project when brian asked if I'd like to participate. I don't think I am a 'celebrity' though I certainly make a lot of noise so relatively many people heard my name. OTOH, I like to have lunch with and talk to new people. OT3H I am so bad at names and faces, I'd be embarrassed the next day when I don't recognize the same person.

YAPC::NA 2012 Aftermath
Kartik Thakore is planning to spend 3-4 hours a week to improve the Avenger game.

My Bingo Results at YAPC::NA 2012
Sawyer X suggested the bingo idea to JT and he was the one who completed it during the closing session of the lightning talks.

our Campaign Secrets rules from YAPC 2006
This is basically only interesting to people who attended YAPC::NA and how received the cards in the welcome bag. RJBS shows an improved set of rules for the game.


I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on on the web site. If your Perl event is not in the list, let me know.

French Perl workshop
June 29-30, 2012, Strasbourg

YAPC::EU 2012
August 20-22, 2012, Frankfurt, Germany

Moving to Moose Hackathon
August 25-30, Preikestolen Mountain Lodge, near Stavanger, Norway

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