
[PerlChina] Fwd: [Perlweekly] #46 - YAPC::NA is starting now

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From: Gabor Szabo <gabor@szabgab.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 7:59 PM
Subject: [Perlweekly] #46 - YAPC::NA is starting now
To: perlweekly@perlweekly.com

Perl Weekly

Issue #46 - June 11, 2012 - YAPC::NA is starting now

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I am sending this from Madison WI. I got here yesterday and we already met with some of the conference participants and had a nice dinner in an Afghan restaurant. Then ice cream followed by various beverages (mostly beer though). Very nice people!

In the next 2 days, there are going to be two training classes, brian d foy runs the 'Zero to Perl' workshop and I am running a 'Test Automation using Perl' workshop. There is going to be a Hackathon as well during thes 2 days.

Then the main part of the conference start. I expect several reports in the next issue of the Perl Weekly.

For now, let's see what happened last week:


New Sponsor for the CPAN Testers: WebFusion


Scientific Computing in Perl
Christopher Frenz gives an overview of some of the Perl modules used in scientific computation such as PDL - the Perl Data Language, Statistics::Descriptive, Statistics::R, BioPerl and a few more.

From Alchemy to Science in Programming
Another rant by chromatic about the need (or no) of scale. In every training class I run people ask me if Perl is fast? In every class I need to explain the difference between fast and fast enough. Though I think I understand them. I saw so many badly written applications (in other languages as well) that were way slower than they could be.

5 Ways to Tell Which Programming Languages are Most Popular
Based on this article from the ReadWriteWeb Python, Ruby and PHP are more popular for open source applications, but Perl is used more within companies.

Using Data::Validate Modules to Validate Application Data
Christopher Frenz is improving on his earlier example of home-made data validation by using the Data::Validate module from CPAN.


CPAN Testers Summary - May 2012 - Black Moon


New and Improved: Here Comes the Flood
Yanick made some improvements and released a few new modules: Reducing start time from 60 to 2 secs using Git::CPAN::Patch (with Mike Doherty). Keeping the pizza with Email::Simple::Markdown. CPAN::Changes can now guess how did you write cHanGes. Use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ChangeStats::Git in case you don't have enough staistics in your life yet. GitStore. Perl::Achievements with Daniel Bruder. Two extra *::YANICK modules.

Introducing DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::LintContents
How do you add primary, unique, and foreign key constraints to an existing database if you don't have direct access to it? As in the case of an application installed at clients. fREW Schmidt has the answer.

Translating user queries into SQL::Abstract (using Regexp::Grammars)
Laurent Dami (ldami) is working on a new module called SQL::Abstract::FromQuery...

DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler + Backups
fREW Schmidt is explaining how they used to do application deployment and database upgrade which promped him to the creation of the module. Then he starts showing use cases of the modules. The first one is backing up the data.


Retrieve Windows System Information with Perl
A script by Christopher Frenz to help you with basic information of an MS Windows machine. Things like memory, disks, networks, etc.


Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 8
Nicholas Clark continoues his work on core perl. This time he was mostly cleaning up the build process. This might a be good opportunity to ask The Perl Foundation how much money do they have left in their budget and how are they raising more money for such grants?

Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 27
Dave Mitchell was mostly working on code-blocks in regexes.

Hague Grant Report: Structured Error Messages
Moritz Lenz has finished his Perl 6 grant and details everything he delivered within the grant.


Mojolicious in the cloud: Hello Heroku!
Sebastian Riedel is showing how to deploy a Mojolicious::Lite application to the cloud.


Improving the Image of Perl (Perl Marketing)
Christopher Frenz seems to be new to the Perl blogging. It's now his turn to raise the issue of promoting Perl. He raises a few good points and he also links to the Perl Weekly!


I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on on the web site. If your Perl event is not in the list, let me know.

French Perl workshop
June 29-30, 2012, Strasbourg

YAPC::EU 2012
August 20-22, 2012, Frankfurt, Germany

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012
September 27-29, 2012, Tokyo, Japan

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