在 2011年6月24日 下午4:26,老邪 <swansun95@gmail.com>写道:
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared; # 涉及到一些进程间变量的共享,用这个模块
my $process = 4;
my $child_num = 0;
while (1) {
if ($child_num < $process){
my $params = '..........';
my $thr = threads->create(\&start_thread, $params);
$child_num ++;
foreach my $t(threads->list(threads::joinable)){
$child_num --;
# all tasks done and no running child, then exit
if ( "tasks done" && $child_num==0){
sub start_thread(){
# do actually task here
}2011/6/24 梁舒华 <suker413@gmail.com>--大家好!我想执行1000个线程,但每次同时执行的最大线程数目为4,这四条线程执行完后再执行另外四条线程,以下代码能实现这个要求。但这样不能充分利用cpu,能不能实现只要一条线程结束就马上生成新的线程,不要等四条都结束才建新的四条线程?
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use Thread::Semaphore;
my $max_thread = 4;
my $semaphore = Thread::Semaphore new( $max_thread );
sub TestFun
my $num = shift;
print "print $num in thread ".threads->self()->tid()."\n";
sleep( 1 );
# 线程技术,释放一个信号量
$semaphore->up( );
sub Wait2Quit
print "Waiting to quit...\n";
my $num = 0;
while( $num < $max_thread )
# 尝试获取信号量,当能够获取到最大线程数个信号量时,表示所有线程都结束了
$semaphore->down( );
$num ++;
print "$num thread quit.\n";
print "All $max_thread thread quit.\n";
for( my $index = 1; $index <= 1000; $index ++)
# 获取一个信号量,控制并行的线程数量
$semaphore->down( );
my $thread = threads->create( &TestFun, $index );
# 剥离线程,不关心返回值,系统自动回收资源
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