
[PerlChina] Re: 请教个xpath的问题

Thanks for your comments
It works!
So I have another question,
my $nodes = $tree->findnodes( '/html/body/table/tr]); ## parent node
of aim nodes
for my $node ( $nodes->get_nodelist() ){
my @tds = $node->descendents->content_list; ## I want to
reach my aim via method "descendents" of it's parent node
print $tds[2]->as_trimmed_text, "\n";
However, it throws some error like:
"Can't call method "content_list" without a package or object
reference at C:\DOCUME~1\root\LOCALS~1\Temp\dirBB9.tmp\ptest3.pl line

The involved info from HTML::Element,
In list context, returns the list of all $h's descendant elements,
listed in pre-order (i.e., an element appears before its content-
elements). Text segments DO NOT appear in the list. In scalar context,
returns a count of all such elements."
"$h->parent() or $h->parent($new_parent)
Returns (optionally sets) the parent (aka "container") for this
element. The parent should either be undef, or should be another
two methods are similar, and returns are HTML::Element

What's the matter about the error?

By the way, please note my quote, it seems the texts are abnormal,
such as "룬 ת ʲô 롣", in your reply? So I got nothing about Encode.
Thanks anyway, and also thanks for your attention and patience.

On 6月3日, 上午10时08分, Liu Yubao <yubao....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Ҫ Ŀ ĵ :
> perldoc HTML::Element
> my @tds = $node->parent->content_list;
> print $tds[2]->as_trimmed_text, "\n";
> ⣬ ޷ Encode ת ˣ ֱ ӵ Encode ת 룬 ǿ
> HTML::TreeBuilder ģ ܷ Զ html ı Ϣ Զ ת 룬 ֮
> ȸ õ ʲô 룬 ת ʲô 롣

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