
[PerlChina] 一个朋友的问题,实在没看明白啥意思,大伙看看

I want to use @ARGV and not <>. So I want to run the script with the same
functionality as below (userA mapped to userB's .profile and or userA mapped
to userB's profile and userC mapped to userD's .profile and or userE and
userF mapped to userG's .profile) like:

$ perl script -userA -userB

or $ perl script -userA -userB -userC -userD

or $ perl script -userE -userF -userG

as opposed to $ perl script then typing in the userA userB, CNTRL-D, userC


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my (%adds, $user, $muser,);

LOOP:while (<>) {
($user, $muser) = map lc, split;
if ( s/[a-z]//g <= 5 ) {
print uc("\nyou must enter at least 6 characters, try again!!!??
goto LOOP;
else {

if ( -d "/users/$muser" ) {
$adds{$user} = qx(ls /users/$muser/.profile);
elsif ( -d "/home/$muser" ) {
$adds{$user} = qx(ls /home/$muser/.profile);
else {
print "\n$muser does not have a /users subdir,
exit 0;

print uc("\nnow building user associations for your

while ( my ($key, $val) = each(%adds) ) {
print "\n$key will have a profile of $val\n";
chomp ($key,$val);
if ( ! -d "/users/$key" ) {
system("mkdir /users/$key");
system("chown $key:users /users/$key");
system("ln -sf $val /users/$key/.profile");

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