
[PerlChina] TheSchwartz tips

read it if you're interested.

well, now we have 4 theschwartz worker script, 3 run at z56-1 and the
other one runs at on static.zpcdn server.

tip 1: I changed some TheSchwartz code, and I want to make it live.
svn up at z56-1 then run
[root@z56-1 ~]# perl /var/www/Zorpia/Misc/cron/TheSchwartz_restart.pl
it will send INTTERM to the script and no data will lost since we treat
TERM in the script.

tip 2: the log files
basically BatchSendMessage log is at /var/log/theschwartz.msg.log
and Signup is at /var/log/theschwartz.signup.log
others are at /var/log/theschwartz.log

please use $job->debug to save some debug info into the log.

let me know if you have any issue.


Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/


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