
[PerlChina] CN Perl Advent Day 25: perlthanks


=for advent_year 2009

=for advent_day 25

=for advent_title perlthanks

=for advent_author Fayland Lam


于此同时,我们应当对 perl 的开发者致以最好的祝福。

从 perl-5.8.9 开始,perl 都开始带有一个
A<http://perldoc.perl.org/5.8.9/perlthanks.html|perlthanks> 的小程序,该程序将给
perl-porter 新闻组发送感谢信。

如果您的 perl 版本小于 5.8.9, 那么可以遵循如下步骤来发送。

=begin pre

$ wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/L/LB/LBROCARD/perl-5.11.2.tar.bz2
$ tar xvjf perl-5.11.2.tar.bz2
$ cd perl-5.11.2/utils
$ perl perlbug.PL
$ perl perlbug -T

=end pre

perlbug -T 或者 perlthanks 启动之后,您就可以编写标题和内容,然后就发送了,非常简单。

=begin pre

This program provides an easy way to send a thank-you message
back to the authors and maintainers of perl.

If you wish to submit a bug report, please run it without the -T
flag (or run the program perlbug rather than perlthanks)

First of all, please provide a subject for the message.
Subject: Merry Christmas!
Perl's developers may need your email address to contact you for
further information about your issue or to inform you when it is
resolved. If the default shown is not your email address,
please correct it.

Your address [fayland@perl]: fayland@gmail.com

perlbug can send a copy of this report to your local perl
administrator. If the address below is wrong, please correct
it, or enter 'none' or 'yourself' to not send a copy.

Local perl administrator [root@localhost]: none

It's now time to compose your thank-you message.

Some information about your local perl configuration will
automatically be included at the end of your message, because
we're curious about the different ways that people build and use
perl. If you'd rather not share this information, you're welcome
to delete it.

You will probably want to use a text editor to enter the body of
your report. If "vi" is the editor you want to use, then just
press Enter, otherwise type in the name of the editor you would
like to use.

If you have already composed the body of your report, you may
enter "file", and perlbug will prompt you to enter the name of
the file containing your report.

Editor [vi]: vi

This is a thank-you report for perl from fayland@gmail.com,
generated with the help of perlbug 1.39 running under perl 5.8.8.

[Please enter your thank-you message here]

Thanks for all of your work. and Merry Xmas!

[You're welcome to delete anything below this line]

You have finished composing your message. At this point, you have
a few options. You can:

* [Se]nd the message to perl-thanks@perl.org,
* [D]isplay the message on the screen,
* [R]e-edit the message
* Display or change the message's [su]bject
* Save the message to a [f]ile to mail at another time
* [Q]uit without sending a message

Action (Send/Display/Edit/Subject/Save to File): Send

Are you certain you want to send this message?

Please type "yes" if you are [no]: yes

Message sent

Thank you for taking the time to send a thank-you message!

=end pre

所有的步骤都非常简单,我希望大家都能发送一封邮件来感谢 Perl 的开发者和贡献者。



至此,2009 的 CN Perl Advent Calendar 就结束了。

感谢 cnhackTNT, Joe Jiang 和 Alexe, 没有你们,这会是一个孤单的十二月。




Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/


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