
[PerlChina] Win32平台的同志们可以扔掉ActivatePerl和PPM了。

不要迷恋win, 他只是个传说 :)
On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 06:03:10AM -0800, TBY wrote:
>Strawberry Perl已经升级到5.10.1了,cmd上的CPAN功能已经基本完善了,这个.1的升级对win平台的意义很大。
>Biology! Cryptography! Strawberry!
>A 100% Open Source Perl for Windows that is exactly the same
>as Perl everywhere else. And with Perl 5.10.1 it gets even better!
>New C libs prevent clashes with the system-installed .dll files.
>Bundled clients for all major Open Source databases, with MySQL,
>Postgres, SQLite and DBM, plus ODBC support.
>Massive improvements to crypto, including support for https and
>Module::Signature-signed CPAN modules.
>And now with CPAN installation support for the BioPerl computational
>genetics toolkit!

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