Well, because of the new libraries, Bio::Perl is almost to that point.
It failed only one test when I tried it 2 nights ago, and that has
been corrected in the bioperl svn - http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=49474
- so the next version WILL be "supported by Strawberry".
On 9月11日, 下午5时36分, Guifeng Wei <guifeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 为什么安装Bioperl的时候老是出现问题?
> ppm install failed:Can't find any package that provide GD::for
> Bundle_BioPerl-Core
> Can't find any package that provide DB_File::for Bundle_Bioperl-core
> can't find any package that GD::for GD-SVG
> 上网查,看到别人以前的帖子,就把Kobes,Bribes,tcool加到ppm中,可以还是出现了以上这些问题。
> 所以,请求高手,帮助解决一下这个问题。不胜感激。
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