open (my $fp, '+<', 'filename');
binmode ($fp);
read ($fp, $tmp, 0x8f);
seek ($fp, 0xb0, 0);
read ($fp, $tmp, (-s $fp) - tell ($fp));
close ($fp);
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [PerlChina] Re: 16½øÖÆÎļþ²Ù×÷
From: perlw01f <>
To: PerlChina Mongers ÌÖÂÛ×é <>
Date: 8/8/2009 23:51
½ÓÎÊÒ»¾ä ÈçºÎ ¶ÁÈ¡ 0x00-0x8f £¿ ÎÒÏÈ binmode ÔÙ read òËƲ»ºÃʹ£¿On 8ÔÂ8ÈÕ, ÏÂÎç7ʱ24·Ö, Anthony WU <> wrote:> ÎÒ°Ñ seek µÚ¶þ ¼°µÚÈý ¢"µ'·´ÁË£¬h³ýÊDz»Äܵģ¬µ«Äã¿ÉÒÔͨß^ ÏÈ×x0x00-0x8f Ìøµ½0xb0ÔÙ×xµ½EOFK°ÑËùÈ¡µÃµÄBYTES'µ½ÐÂn°¸-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [PerlChina] Re: 16½øÖÆÎļþ²Ù×÷ From: perlw01f <> To: PerlChina Mongers ÌÖÂÛ×é <> Date: 8/8/2009 10:42лл perldoc -f seekµÄ½áÂÛòËƸúÕâ¸ö²»Ò»Ñù £¿seek FILEHANDLE,POSITION,WHENCE Sets FILEHANDLE's position, just like the "fseek" call of "stdio". FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the filehandle. The values for WHENCE are 0 to set the new position *in bytes* to POSITION, 1 to set it to the current position plus POSITION, and 2 to set it to EOF plus POSITION (typically negative). For WHENCE you may use the constants "SEEK_SET", "SEEK_CUR", and "SEEK_END" (start of the file, current position, end of the file) from the Fcntl module. Returns 1 upon success, 0 otherwise.Note the *in bytes*: even if the filehandle has been set to operate on characters (for example by using the ":utf8" open layer), tell() will return byte offsets, not character offsets (because implementing that would render seek() and tell() rather slow).If you want to position file for "sysread" or "syswrite", don't use "seek"--buffering makes its effect on the file's system position unpredictable and non-portable. Use "sysseek" instead.Due to the rules and rigors of ANSI C, on some systems you have to do a seek whenever you switch between reading and writing. Amongst other things, this may have the effect of calling stdio's clearerr(3). A WHENCE of 1 ("SEEK_CUR") is useful for not moving the file position:seek(TEST,0,1);This is also useful for applications emulating "tail -f". Once you hit EOF on your read, and then sleep for a while, you might have to stick in a seek() to reset things. The "seek" doesn't change the current position, but it *does* clear the end-of- file condition on the handle, so that the next "<FILE>" makes Perl try again to read something. We hope.If that doesn't work (some IO implementations are particularly cantankerous), then you may need something more like this:for (;;) { for ($curpos = tell(FILE); $_ = <FILE>; $curpos = tell(FILE)) { # search for some stuff and put it into files } sleep($for_a_while); seek(FILE, $curpos, 0); }ÁíÍ⣬ÄúµÄcode ÎÒ³¢ÊÔÁËһϠseek ($fp, 0, 0x80); print $fp "\x0"; ʵ¼ÊµÄЧ¹ûÊÇ 00000000hÕâÒ»ÐÐ µÚ1ºÍ2×Ö½Ú±ä³ÉÁË0 ûÓÐÆ«ÒÆ£¿ ÎÒ×Ô¼º³¢ÊÔ seek ($fp, 16*8, 0x00); print $fp "\x0"; ¿ÉÒԴﵽĿµÄÁíÍâ ÎÒÏëÇë½Ì ÈçºÎɾ³ýµôÒ»²¿·ÖÄÚÈÝÄØ ±ÈÈç 0x90-0xb0 лл On 8ÔÂ8ÈÕ, ÉÏÎç12ʱ48·Ö, Anthony WU <> wrote:ÒÔÄãËùÕfµÄ²Ù×÷´ó¼sÊÇ open (my $fp, '+<', 'x.dat'); binmode ($fp); seek ($fp, 0, 0x80); print $fp "\x0"; seek ($fp, 0, 0x82); print $fp "\x0"; seek ($fp, 0, 0x84); print $fp "\x0"; seek ($fp, 0, 0x86); print $fp "\x8B"; seek ($fp, 0, 0x87); print $fp "\x8B"; seek ($fp, 0, 0x88); print $fp "\x0A"; seek ($fp, 0, 0x89); print $fp "\x0A"; .... .... .... close ($fp);-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [PerlChina] Re: 16½øÖÆÎļþ²Ù×÷ From: perlw01f <> To: PerlChina Mongers ÌÖÂÛ×é <> Date: 7/8/2009 21:16¶¼ÊÇÔÚÈ·¶¨µÄλÖÃÈç 00000080h ÕâÒ»À¸ µÚ1 3 5 ×Ö½Ú»»Îª0 78»»Îª8B 9 10 »»Îª0A »¹ÓÐһЩÆäËûµÄOn 8ÔÂ7ÈÕ, ÏÂÎç9ʱ04·Ö, Anthony WU <> wrote:ÄãµÄ×Ö¹ÊǶ¨Î»Ð޸ĵÄ᣿ÓÐʲüNÒÂɵģ¿-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [PerlChina] Re: 16½øÖÆÎļþ²Ù×÷ From: perlw01f <> To: PerlChina Mongers ÌÖÂÛ×é <> Date: 7/8/2009 20:56ÎÒÓÐÒ»¸öÎļþ x.dat£¬ÓÉx.rar.gzѹËõ¶ø³É µ«ÊÇÆäÖÐijЩ×Ö½Ú×öÁËÐ޸Ĵ¦Àí ÏÖÔÚµÄÎļþÃûÊÇ a.dat ÏÖÔÚ ÎÒÏëÄæÐвÙ×÷£¬¼´ ÏȽ« rename³Éx.rar.gz È»ºóÀûÓÃueÐÞ¸ÄijЩ×Ö½Ú Ö®ºó²ÅÄܽâѹËõ³Éx.dateÓÉÓÚÎļþÊýÁ¿½Ï¶à ÇÒue 16½øÖÆ ÐÞ¸ÄÒ²²»ÊǺܷ½±ã ËùÒÔÏë Óà perlʵÏÖ Ð»Ð»On 8ÔÂ7ÈÕ, ÏÂÎç5ʱ17·Ö, cnhack TNT <> wrote:ÄܾÙÀý˵Ã÷ÄãÒª×öµÄÊÂÇéô£¿2009/8/7 perlw01f <>perlÖÐ ÓÐûÓÐÀàËÆultreditÖÐÄÇÖÖÖ±½Óת»»³É16½øÖƽøÐвÙ×÷µÄ·½·¨»òÕßmoduleunpackÊDz»ÊÇÌ«·ÑÊÂÁË-- Best Regards, Anthony WU-- Best Regards, Anthony WU-- Best Regards, Anthony WU
-- Best Regards, Anthony WU
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