2009/6/1 Don Qin <icefishc@gmail.com>
我没这么说过,是你说的 ;)
特别地,我说的是 Win32 上的 perl 的 fork emulation。引用自 perlfork 文档:
On some platforms such as Windows where the fork() system call is not
available, Perl can be built to emulate fork() at the interpreter
level. While the emulation is designed to be as compatible as possible
with the real fork() at the level of the Perl program, there are
certain important differences that stem from the fact that all the
pseudo child "processes" created this way live in the same real process
as far as the operating system is concerned.
当然 :)
事实上,在我们的场合,是因为 perl 的线程实现太烂了,perl 的 fork emulation 有 bug,呵呵有个小错误。 fork产生的进程不是线程 :P
我没这么说过,是你说的 ;)
特别地,我说的是 Win32 上的 perl 的 fork emulation。引用自 perlfork 文档:
On some platforms such as Windows where the fork() system call is not
available, Perl can be built to emulate fork() at the interpreter
level. While the emulation is designed to be as compatible as possible
with the real fork() at the level of the Perl program, there are
certain important differences that stem from the fact that all the
pseudo child "processes" created this way live in the same real process
as far as the operating system is concerned.
如果我没有记错的话fork是posix的一部分。在unix/linux中 fork直接对应 fork这个系统调用。而在windows中没有这么个系统调用。
当然 :)
虽然perl在windows平台也提供了fork()函数 但有些行为与linux平台上的不一致。 直接拿到windows上难保不出问题。
如果我连 fork 是啥都一窍不通,我也该回去种地了 ;)
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