
Net::OpenSSH is damn cool (Was Re: [PerlChina] Re: 有关Net::SSH::Expect)

On 3/11/09, Jumping <quzhengping@gmail.com> wrote:
try this Net::OpenSSH

I've just hacked out a mechanism to run my CommentHunter.pm's (huge) test suite on multiple machines in parallel. Net::OpenSSH works like a dream :D I've observed a testing time drop of more than 84%. Wow. Also, the prove script's -jobs option can parallellize tests further on multiple cores of each machine.

To reduce rsync's overhead, I'm trying tup + scp to make my "mapreduce" test scaffold even faster :D

I'll rewrite my batch-ssh.pl script with Net::OpenSSH as well. Net::SSH::Expect + Parallel::ForkManager is not so satisfactory ;)


P.S. Well, this is actually inspired by Jesse's best practices talk in BJPW 2008.

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