
Re: perl 5.10.x vs. perl 5.8.x (Was Re: [PerlChina] Re: perl标量与列表和散列的一点疑问)

 Dave Mitchell
 February 23, 2009 09:59
 current 5.10.1 release schedule
Here's the current timetable for 5.10.1 (such as it is):  1) Finish off the backlog of merging from bleed (~ 2 weeks)  2) dampen any smoking fires  3) push out a snapshot, principally to check that the merged changes and    module updates all seem okay  4a) fix smartmatching and known regressions from 5.8.x 4b) synchronise dual-life modules with CPAN 4c) dampen any remaining smoke 4d) finish perldelta   5) push out RC1 and wait a week; rinse and repeat as necessary  Note thate there won't be a single code-freeze point as such; more a gradually increasing level of paranoia. However, after 1) and 2) I don't envisage merging any scary changes, so in particular if a major dual-life module update gets into bleed after that date, it's unlikely to get merged into bleed. After that point, I will probably only be interested in module updates that backport a bleed version to CPAN. 

2009/2/20 CGI.NET <loveme1314@gmail.com>
一直都想用下perl 5.10的写法,但无奈太多机器基本都是5.8的,所以还是老实的按以前的写法来写

On 2月19日, 上午9时50分, agentzh <agen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/2/18 Michael Zeng <galaxy2...@gmail.com>
> > 还有say, 向perl 6 发展了
> 对我自己来说,其实 perl 5.10.x 最激动人心的不是这些 perl 6 风格的语言特性,而是一个快了好多好多同时功能也强了好多的正则引擎!哈哈!
> Benchmark 显示,我们的 OpenResty 测试集在同一台 Ubuntu Linux 上,使用 perl 5.10.0 比 perl
> 5.8.8 快了 10% ~ 20% 的样子。于是我把我手上的生产机全布署上自己编译的 perl 5.10.0 了,呵呵。
> Cheers,
> -agentzh

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