
[PerlChina] Re: A replacement of the CPAN shell client

On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 10:54 PM, laye <layesuen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually, the idea of organizing bundles in parrelle bundle-version
> directories is just stole from how Perl modules are installed locally in my
> firm (Morgan Stanley). I found it really nice as no program will break when
> new modules are installed.

Awesome :)

>> This feature already exists in the current cpan utility, though not
>> that accessibly ;)
> Oh, I'm aware of that. How can I do that?

cpan> install id/A/AG/AGENT/OpenResty-0.5.1.tar.gz

(where the latest version of OpenResty on CPAN is 0.5.3 (not sure if
there's easier ways to do that though ;)

> There is another issue need to be addressed. Some module contains executable
> scripts which are not aware of the existence of Astral. As modules installed
> by Astral cannot be found in normal ways, there should be some hacks to
> make modules installed by Astral also visible to normal module-finding ways.

PATH hack? shebang hack?


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