
[PerlChina] Re: pp终于能正常使用了:)

take it easy, beckheng just want to share the happiness :)
every time i know people want to use par, i give them respect :D

and qiang's suggestion is also right, keep the bandwidth in moderate manner is also nice.

BTW, you know sunnavy is implementing shipwright?
ref http://search.cpan.org/dist/Shipwright/

Qiang (James) 写道:
Beckheng Lam wrote:   
 我猜出来了。但是如果你想寻求帮助,何不把错误信息直接贴出,而是让大家去翻  那个连接寻找错误呢。    
以后不发此类文章即可。 :-!     
 嗯,谢谢。  我希望大家问问题时先仔细考虑,把话说清,这样的帖子才值得一读。  Qiang(James)     

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