
[PerlChina] Re: 如何下载安装 pm

杨溪 wrote:


> 另外strawberry perl提供的是dmake吧


下面是草莓 Perl 包括内容(根据http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Perl::

Strawberry Perl includes:

* Perl 5.8.8 or Perl 5.10.0
* Mingw GCC C/C++ compiler
* Dmake "make" tool
* Every bundled and dual-life modules upgraded to the latest version.
* Bundle::CPAN, Bundle::LWP and CPAN::SQLite to enhance the
functionality of the CPAN client.
* Additional Perl modules that enhance the stability of core Perl for
the Win32 platform
* Modules that enhance the ability to install non-CPAN packages such as
PAR::Dist, PPM and pip.
* Prebuilt and known-good C libraries for math, crypto and XML support.
* BETA - Additions that provide Portable support.

> >

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