
[PerlChina] Re: Padre needs you


2009/2/10 Fayland Lam <fayland@gmail.com>:
> For those who don't know padre yet, Padre is Perl Application
> Development and Refactoring Environment. in short, a IDE written by Perl.
> check the screenshot for a rough view:
> http://padre.perlide.org/wiki/Screenshots
> install can be found here: http://padre.perlide.org/wiki/Download
> it's written by Wx. http://search.cpan.org/dist/Padre/lib/Padre.pm
> if you are interested in learning Wx or looking for a better IDE, or
> contributing some code to Perl/open source, you're welcome to join us.
> it's a good way to learn Wx or writting a plugin for Padre (upload to CPAN).
> even you don't know Perl well, you can translate the po file and listed
> IRC is a good way to communicate with us. we always hang on irc.perl.org
> #padre channel.
> and the mailing list is padre-dev@perlide.org
> please give it a try and report any bug, contribute code.
> Thanks.
> --
> Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/
> Foorum based on Catalyst // http://www.foorumbbs.com/
> >

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