2009/1/9 Qiang (James) <shijialee@gmail.com>
* 2月演讲 agentzh 已经预定,大概是疯狂的 firefox + perl + js 的 list
hunter 集群相关 :)
我先给出一个草拟的 talk 简介(同时发给 qiang++ 了),不妥之处大家提出来我再修改哈。另外在 12 日之前我会把 slides 做好,在交流之前会及早放出来给大家先看看,提提意见啥的,呵呵:
Title: A Firefox cluster driven by JavaScript, Perl, and PL/PgSQL
Summary: In this talk, agentzh will present a Firefox cluster for extracting deep information from web pages even with AJAX contents, which is already being used in production. Various popular software like Firefox, Apache, PostgreSQL have been glued together using JavaScript, Perl, and OpenResty's web services. And Firefox's performance has been greatly improved by content prefetching and "hard caching". It will be shown that, this solution not only offers great opportunities for automated data extraction based on vision information (from the Gecko rendering engine), but also provide a way for scaling Firefox extensions on the cluster level. It's now the time to put frontend technologies like Firefox and JavaScript programming into very backend things like search engine crawling and content indexing.
标题:由 JavaScipt, Perl 和 PL/PgSQL 驱动的 Firefox 集群
简介:在本次交流 中,agentzh 将给出一个已投入生产的 Firefox 集群,该集群主要用于从包括含 AJAX 内容的网页中抽取深层信息。众多像 Firefox, Apache, 和 PostgreSQL 这样的流行的软件,通过 JavaScript, Perl, 以及 OpenResty 的 web 服务粘合为了一个整体。Firefox 的性能也通过内容预取和"硬缓存"得到了极大的改进。我们将会看到,该解决方案不仅为全自动的基于视觉信息的数据抽取提供了许多机遇,而且还开辟了一条将 Firefox 插件集群化的道路。现在我们已经可以把 Firefox 和 JavaScritp 编程这样的前端技术,应用到像搜索引擎爬取和内容索引这样的非常后端的工作当中去了。
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