> Fayland Lam wrote:
>> well, I get 10 mails today. bunch of those some days ago. things like
>> xxx@xxx.com has been removed from China-pm.
>> but I don't know what can I do towards this. so I suggest those who
>> can't reach china-pm@pm.org, use china-pm@googlegroups.com instead.
> 那些 email 是现在这个邮件组发不过去的地址,因为那些 email 已经不存在了
> (email已经被系统从邮件列表里删除了)
> perlchina google group 的邮件组应该是我申请的,不过我要找到密码先 :)
> 关于移植到 google group 的问题,我想还是大家把现在这个邮件组的问题说一
> 下,为什么要搬家,搬家后有什么好处,有什么坏处。比较过后再定夺。
Beckheng Lam noticed me that he can't use his gmail and sina mail to
reach china-pm@pm.org
the china-pm treats his emails as SPAM.
pm.org does have a strict rule on SPAM and it's not so good sometimes.
while google group is very popular and easy to use (even web interface
is not accessible sometimes).
> 现在的 planet.perlchina.org 已经在公开测试中(fayland: nomas blog 地址
> 写错了,另外你能否把外表稍排一下版么?放上 perlchina 的 logo)
> 另外,我感觉 perlchina 的网址缺少一些用户间互动的东西(至少应该把新帖
> 子,新的 planet perlchina 的 blog 在主页显示,新 wiki 文章),论坛里分
> 版 太多,交流的人不多。但我又感觉有一个不错的邮件列表供大家交流就够了。
> 大家有什么比较实际的想法和意见么?
> Qiang(James)
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